Cfitsio Toolkit -
- :
[coldata, nullval]
=readCol(file, colnum)
- :
[coldata, nullval]
=readCol(file, colnum, firstrow, numrows)
Get table row data.
This is the equivalent of the cfitsio fits_read_col function.
file - opened fits file.
firstrow - Start row
numrows - Number of rows to read
coldata - the column data rows
nulldata - the null value flags
import_fits; # open file filename = file_in_loadpath("demos/tst0012.fits"); fd = fits.openFile(filename); # move to binary table and get column for flux fits.movAbsHDU(fd, 2); colnum = fits.getColName(fd, 'flux'); # read all rows in column fluxdata = fits.readCol(fd, colnum); # read data starting at 2nd value fluxdata = fits.readCol(fd, colnum, 2); # read rows 3 rows starting at row 2 fluxdata = fits.readCol(fd, colnum, 2, 3); fits.closeFile(fd);