Odbc Toolkit - Functions

The following functions are available:

ODBC connection

databaseCreate a odbc database connection
odbcCreate an ODBC database connection
connectionConnection class for a ODBC database connection
listDataSourcesList available odbc datasources
configureODBCDataSourceOpen the ODBC Datasource Administrator dialog box in Windows or ODBCManageDat...

Importing Data

connection.fetchPerform SQL query QUERY, and return result
connection.sqlinnerjoinPerform an innerjoin on two tables.
connection.sqlouterjoin runstoredprocedure
connection.sqlreadRead data from table TABLENAME
connection.selectPerform SQL query QUERY, and return result
connection.executeSQLScriptRun statements from a script file

Exporting Data

connection.sqlwriteInsert rows of data into a table.

Database Operations

connection.commitMake permanent changes to the database.
connection.executePerform SQL query QUERY, that does not return result
connection.rollbackRollback changes to the database.
connection.sqlupdateUpdate rows of data in database.
connection.updateUpdate columns in database.

Support Functions

rowfilterCreate an unconstrained rowfilter object with columns names.