Sqlite Toolkit - @octave_sqlite/sqlupdate
- : sqlupdate
(db, tablename, data, filter)
- : sqlupdate
(db, tablename, data, filter, propertyname, propertyvalue …)
Update rows of data into a table.
Update rows of data into a sqlite database table based on the input filter.
- db
Previously created octave_sqlite object
- tablename
Name of table to write data to
- data
Table containing data to write to the database. Variables names are expected to match the database.
- filter
A Filter object or cell array of filter objects used to determine which rows of the table to update.
- propertyname, propertyvalue
property name/value pairs where known properties are:
- Catalog
An optional database catalog name.
- Schema
An optional database schema name.
Create a database table and insert a row
# create sql connection db = sqlite("mytest.db", "create"); # create table (if it does not exist) and then insert 2 rows t = dbtable([1;2],['Name1';'Name2'], 'VariableNames', {'Id','Name'}); # insert table data sqlwrite(db, "Test", t, 'ColumnType', {'numeric', 'text'}); # make a filter to select what to update rf = dbrowfilter({'Id'}); rf = rf.Id > 1; # update name where Id > 1 t = dbtable(['Name3'], 'VariableNames', {'Name'}); sqlupdate(db, "Test", t, rf);
See also: sqlite, execute.