

0.5.3 2024-01-28

This package provides functions for generating HTML pages that contain the help texts of the functions of an octave package. The package is designed to work with installed packages and use their INDEX file for creating the respective functions' HTML pages. The default layout is based on boootstrap 5 and it follows the design of the Octave Packages GitHub page.

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build_DEMOS Generate HTML code from the available DEMOS of a particular function.
classdef_texi2html Generate HTML page for a class definition.
find_DEMOS Retrieve the DEMO code blocks from a particular function.
find_GHurls Retrieve unique URLs to every function's location within the package's GitHub repository.
function_texi2html Generate HTML page for a particular function.
list_packages List pkg-installable packages from Octave Packages.
package_texi2html Generate HTML pages for an entire package.