
 Performs resampling under the null hypothesis and computes p-values for
 (multiple) comparisons among independent samples in a one-way layout.

 -- Function File: boot1way (DATA, GROUP)5
 -- Function File: boot1way (..., NAME, VALUE)
 -- Function File: boot1way (..., 'bootfun', BOOTFUN)
 -- Function File: boot1way (..., 'nboot', NBOOT)
 -- Function File: boot1way (..., 'ref', REF)
 -- Function File: boot1way (..., 'alpha', ALPHA)
 -- Function File: boot1way (..., 'Options', PAROPT)
 -- Function File: PVAL = boot1way (DATA, GROUP, ...)
 -- Function File: [PVAL, C] = boot1way (DATA, GROUP, ...)
 -- Function File: [PVAL, C, STATS] = boot1way (DATA, GROUP, ...)
 -- Function File: [...] = boot1way (..., 'display', DISPLAYOPT)

     'boot1way (DATA, GROUP)' performs a bootstrap version of a randomization
     test [1] for comparing independent samples of data in a one-way layout.
     Pairwise multiple comparison tests are computed by the single-step
     maximum absolute t-statistic (maxT) procedure, which controls the family-
     wise error rate (FWER) in a manner analagous to the Tukey-Kramer Honest
     Significance Difference test. The results are displayed as a pretty table
     and the differences between groups are plotted along with the symmetric
     95% bootstrap-t confidence intervals (CI). The colours of the markers and
     error bars depend on the value of the multiplicity-adjusted p-values:
     red if p < .05, or blue if p > .05. All of the p-values reported represent
     the outcome of two-tailed tests. DATA must be a numeric column vector or
     matrix, where categorization of the DATA rows is achieved by labels in
     GROUP. GROUP must be a vector or cell array with the same number of
     rows as DATA.  

     boot1way can take a number of optional parameters as NAME-VALUE pairs:

     'boot1way (..., 'bootfun', BOOTFUN)' also specifies BOOTFUN: the function
     calculated on the original sample and the bootstrap resamples. BOOTFUN
     must be either a:
        o function handle, function name or an anonymous function,
        o string of a function name, or
        o a cell array where the first cell is one of the above function
          definitions and the remaining cells are (additional) input arguments 
          to that function (after the data arguments).
        In all cases, BOOTFUN must take DATA for the initial input argument(s).
        BOOTFUN must calculate a statistic representative of the finite data
        sample; it should NOT be an estimate of a population parameter (unless
        they are one of the same). By default, BOOTFUN is @mean. If a robust
        alternative to the mean is required, set BOOTFUN to 'robust' to
        implement a smoothed version of the median (a.k.a. @smoothmedian). 

     'boot1way (..., 'nboot', NBOOT)' is a scalar or a vector of upto two
     positive integers indicating the number of resamples for the first
     (bootstrap) and second (bootknife) levels of iterated resampling. If NBOOT
     is a scalar value, or if NBOOT(2) is set to 0, then standard errors are
     calculated either without resampling (if BOOTFUN @mean) or using Tukey's
     jackknife. This implementation of jackknife requires the Statistics
     package/toolbox. The default value of NBOOT is the vector: [999,99].

     'boot1way (..., 'ref', REF)' sets the GROUP to use as the reference group
     for the multiple comparison tests. If REF is a recognised member of GROUP,
     then the maxT procedure for treatment versus reference controls the
     family-wise error rate (FWER) in a manner analagous to Dunnett's multiple
     comparison tests.

     'boot1way (..., 'alpha', ALPHA)' specifies the two-tailed significance
     level for CI coverage. The default value of ALPHA is 0.05 for 95%
     confidence intervals.

     'boot1way (..., 'Options', PAROPT)' specifies options that govern if
     and how to perform bootstrap iterations using multiple processors (if the
     Parallel Computing Toolbox or Octave Parallel package is available). This
     argument is a structure with the following recognised fields:
        o 'UseParallel': If true, use parallel processes to accelerate
                         bootstrap computations on multicore machines,
                         specifically non-vectorized function evaluations,
                         double bootstrap resampling and jackknife function
                         evaluations. Default is false for serial computation.
                         In MATLAB, the default is true if a parallel pool
                         has already been started. 
        o 'nproc':       nproc sets the number of parallel processes (optional)

     'PVAL = boot1way (DATA, GROUP, ...)' returns the p-value(s) for the 
     (multiple) two-tailed test(s). Note that the p-value(s) returned are
     already adjusted to control the family-wise, type I error rate and 
     truncated at the resolution limit determined by the number of bootstrap
     replicates, specifically 1/NBOOT(1)  

     '[PVAL, C] = boot1way (DATA, GROUP, ...)' also returns a 9 column matrix
     that summarises multiple comparison test results. The columns of C are:
       - column 1:  test GROUP number
       - column 2:  reference GROUP number
       - column 3:  value of BOOTFUN evaluated for the test GROUP
       - column 4:  value of BOOTFUN evaluated for the reference GROUP
       - column 5:  the difference between the groups (column 3 minus column 4)
       - column 6:  LOWER bound of the 100*(1-ALPHA)% bootstrap-t CI
       - column 7:  UPPER bound of the 100*(1-ALPHA)% bootstrap-t CI
       - column 8:  t-ratio
       - column 9:  multiplicity-adjusted p-value
       - column 10: minimum false positive risk for the p-value

     '[PVAL, C, STATS] = boot1way (DATA, GROUP, ...)' also returns a structure 
     containing additional statistics. The stats structure contains the 
     following fields:

       gnames   - group names used in the GROUP input argument. The index of 
                  gnames corresponds to the numbers used to identify GROUPs
                  in columns 1 and 2 of the output argument C
       ref      - index of the reference group
       groups   - group index and BOOTFUN for each group with sample size,
                  standard error and CI, which start to overlap at a
                  multiplicity-adjusted p-value of approximately 0.05
       Var      - weighted mean (pooled) sampling variance
       nboot    - number of bootstrap resamples (1st and 2nd resampling layers)
       alpha    - two-tailed significance level for the CI reported in C.

     '[PVAL, C, STATS, BOOTSTAT] = boot1way (DATA, GROUP, ...)' also returns
     the maximum test statistic computed for each bootstrap resample

     '[...] = boot1way (..., 'display', DISPLAYOPT)' a logical value (true 
      or false) used to specify whether to display the results and plot the
      graph in addition to creating the output arguments. The default is true.

  [1] Efron, and Tibshirani (1993) An Introduction to the Bootstrap. 
        New York, NY: Chapman & Hall

  boot1way (version 2023.10.04)
  Bootstrap tests for comparing independent groups in a one-way layout
  Author: Andrew Charles Penn

  Copyright 2019 Andrew Charles Penn
  This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
  the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
  (at your option) any later version.

  This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
  GNU General Public License for more details.

  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
  along with this program.  If not, see

Demonstration 1

The following code

 % (analagous to Student's t-test)

 y =    [54       43
         23       34
         45       65
         54       77
         45       46
        NaN       65];
 g = {'male' 'female'
      'male' 'female'
      'male' 'female'
      'male' 'female'
      'male' 'female'
      'male' 'female'};

 boot1way (y(:), g(:), 'ref', 'male', 'nboot', 4999);

 % Please be patient, the calculations will be completed soon...

Produces the following output

Summary of bootstrap multiple comparison tests in a one-way layout
Bootstrap settings: 
 Function: mean
 Bootstrap resampling method: Balanced, bootstrap resampling
 Number of bootstrap resamples: 4999 
 Method for estimating standard errors: Calculated without resampling
 Multiple comparison method: Single-step maxT procedure based on Dunnett 
 Reference group used for comparisons: 2 (male) 

| Comparison |     Test # |      Ref # | Difference |          t |        p |
|          1 |          1 |          2 |     +10.80 |      +1.20 |     .255 |

|    GROUP # |                                       GROUP label |        N |
|          1 |                                            female |        6 |
|          2 |                                              male |        5 |

and the following figure

Figure 1

Demonstration 2

The following code

 % (a robust version of Student's t-test)

 y =    [54       43
         23       34
         45       65
         54       77
         45       46
        NaN       65];
 g = {'male' 'female'
      'male' 'female'
      'male' 'female'
      'male' 'female'
      'male' 'female'
      'male' 'female'};

 boot1way (y(:), g(:), 'ref', 'male', 'nboot', 4999, 'bootfun', 'robust');

 % Please be patient, the calculations will be completed soon...

Produces the following output

Summary of bootstrap multiple comparison tests in a one-way layout
Bootstrap settings: 
 Function: robust
 Bootstrap resampling method: Balanced, bootstrap resampling
 Number of bootstrap resamples: 4999 
 Method for estimating standard errors: Leave-one-out jackknife
 Multiple comparison method: Single-step maxT procedure based on Dunnett 
 Reference group used for comparisons: 2 (male) 

| Comparison |     Test # |      Ref # | Difference |          t |        p |
|          1 |          1 |          2 |     +8.721 |      +0.77 |     .438 |

|    GROUP # |                                       GROUP label |        N |
|          1 |                                            female |        6 |
|          2 |                                              male |        5 |

and the following figure

Figure 1

Demonstration 3

The following code

 % ONE-WAY ANOVA WITH EQUAL SAMPLE SIZES: Treatment vs. Control (1)

 y = [111.39 110.21  89.21  76.64  95.35  90.97  62.78;
      112.93  60.36  92.29  59.54  98.93  97.03  79.65;
       85.24 109.63  64.93  75.69  95.28  57.41  75.83;
      111.96 103.40  75.49  76.69  77.95  93.32  78.70];
 g = [1 2 3 4 5 6 7;
      1 2 3 4 5 6 7;
      1 2 3 4 5 6 7;
      1 2 3 4 5 6 7];

 boot1way (y(:),g(:),'ref',1,'nboot',4999);

 % Please be patient, the calculations will be completed soon...

Produces the following output

Summary of bootstrap multiple comparison tests in a one-way layout
Bootstrap settings: 
 Function: mean
 Bootstrap resampling method: Balanced, bootstrap resampling
 Number of bootstrap resamples: 4999 
 Method for estimating standard errors: Calculated without resampling
 Multiple comparison method: Single-step maxT procedure based on Dunnett 
 Reference group used for comparisons: 1 (1) 

| Comparison |     Test # |      Ref # | Difference |          t |        p |
|          1 |          2 |          1 |     -9.480 |      -0.93 |     .859 |
|          2 |          3 |          1 |     -24.90 |      -2.43 |     .098 |
|          3 |          4 |          1 |     -33.24 |      -3.24 |     .018 |*
|          4 |          5 |          1 |     -13.50 |      -1.32 |     .603 |
|          5 |          6 |          1 |     -20.70 |      -2.02 |     .205 |
|          6 |          7 |          1 |     -31.14 |      -3.04 |     .028 |*

|    GROUP # |                                       GROUP label |        N |
|          1 |                                                 1 |        4 |
|          2 |                                                 2 |        4 |
|          3 |                                                 3 |        4 |
|          4 |                                                 4 |        4 |
|          5 |                                                 5 |        4 |
|          6 |                                                 6 |        4 |
|          7 |                                                 7 |        4 |

and the following figure

Figure 1

Demonstration 4

The following code


 y = [111.39 110.21  89.21  76.64  95.35  90.97  62.78;
      112.93  60.36  92.29  59.54  98.93  97.03  79.65;
       85.24 109.63  64.93  75.69  95.28  57.41  75.83;
      111.96 103.40  75.49  76.69  77.95  93.32  78.70];
 g = [1 2 3 4 5 6 7;
      1 2 3 4 5 6 7;
      1 2 3 4 5 6 7;
      1 2 3 4 5 6 7];

 boot1way (y(:), g(:), 'ref', 1, 'nboot', 4999, 'bootfun', 'robust');

 % Please be patient, the calculations will be completed soon...

Produces the following output

Summary of bootstrap multiple comparison tests in a one-way layout
Bootstrap settings: 
 Function: robust
 Bootstrap resampling method: Balanced, bootstrap resampling
 Number of bootstrap resamples: 4999 
 Method for estimating standard errors: Leave-one-out jackknife
 Multiple comparison method: Single-step maxT procedure based on Dunnett 
 Reference group used for comparisons: 1 (1) 

| Comparison |     Test # |      Ref # | Difference |          t |        p |
|          1 |          2 |          1 |     -6.664 |      -0.82 |     .909 |
|          2 |          3 |          1 |     -30.18 |      -3.73 |     .018 |*
|          3 |          4 |          1 |     -35.63 |      -4.40 |     .006 |**
|          4 |          5 |          1 |     -16.21 |      -2.00 |     .275 |
|          5 |          6 |          1 |     -19.95 |      -2.46 |     .132 |
|          6 |          7 |          1 |     -34.86 |      -4.30 |     .006 |**

|    GROUP # |                                       GROUP label |        N |
|          1 |                                                 1 |        4 |
|          2 |                                                 2 |        4 |
|          3 |                                                 3 |        4 |
|          4 |                                                 4 |        4 |
|          5 |                                                 5 |        4 |
|          6 |                                                 6 |        4 |
|          7 |                                                 7 |        4 |

and the following figure

Figure 1

Demonstration 5

The following code


 y = [54  87  45
      23  98  39
      45  64  51
      54  77  49
      45  89  50
      47 NaN  55];
 g = [ 1   2   3
       1   2   3
       1   2   3 
       1   2   3
       1   2   3
       1   2   3];

 boot1way (y(:), g(:), 'nboot', 4999);

 % Please be patient, the calculations will be completed soon...

Produces the following output

Summary of bootstrap multiple comparison tests in a one-way layout
Bootstrap settings: 
 Function: mean
 Bootstrap resampling method: Balanced, bootstrap resampling
 Number of bootstrap resamples: 4999 
 Method for estimating standard errors: Calculated without resampling
 Multiple comparison method: Single-step maxT procedure based on Tukey-Kramer 

| Comparison |     Test # |      Ref # | Difference |          t |        p |
|          1 |          2 |          1 |     +38.33 |      +6.17 |    <.001 |***
|          2 |          3 |          1 |     +3.500 |      +0.59 |     .825 |
|          3 |          3 |          2 |     -34.83 |      -5.60 |    1.000 |

|    GROUP # |                                       GROUP label |        N |
|          1 |                                                 1 |        6 |
|          2 |                                                 2 |        5 |
|          3 |                                                 3 |        6 |

and the following figure

Figure 1

Demonstration 6

The following code


 y = [54  87  45
      23  98  39
      45  64  51
      54  77  49
      45  89  50
      47 NaN  55];
 g = [ 1   2   3
       1   2   3
       1   2   3
       1   2   3
       1   2   3
       1   2   3];
 p = boot1way (y(:),g(:),'bootfun',{@std,1});

Produces the following output

Summary of bootstrap multiple comparison tests in a one-way layout
Bootstrap settings: 
 Function: std
 Bootstrap resampling method: Balanced, bootstrap resampling
 Number of bootstrap resamples: 999 
 Method for estimating standard errors: Balanced, bootknife resampling
 Number of bootknife resamples used to estimate standard errors: 99 
 Multiple comparison method: Single-step maxT procedure based on Tukey-Kramer 

| Comparison |     Test # |      Ref # | Difference |          t |        p |
|          1 |          2 |          1 |     +1.207 |      +0.26 |     .965 |
|          2 |          3 |          1 |     -5.356 |      -1.20 |     .502 |
|          3 |          3 |          2 |     -6.563 |      -1.40 |     .427 |

|    GROUP # |                                       GROUP label |        N |
|          1 |                                                 1 |        6 |
|          2 |                                                 2 |        5 |
|          3 |                                                 3 |        6 |

and the following figure

Figure 1

Demonstration 7

The following code

 Y = randn (20, 2); g = [zeros(10, 1); ones(10, 1)];
 func = @(M) cor (M(:,1), M(:,2));

 boot1way (Y, g, 'bootfun', func);

 % Please be patient, the calculations will be completed soon...

Produces the following output

Summary of bootstrap multiple comparison tests in a one-way layout
Bootstrap settings: 
 Function: @(M) cor (M (:, 1), M (:, 2))
 Bootstrap resampling method: Balanced, bootstrap resampling
 Number of bootstrap resamples: 999 
 Method for estimating standard errors: Balanced, bootknife resampling
 Number of bootknife resamples used to estimate standard errors: 99 
 Multiple comparison method: Single-step maxT procedure based on Tukey-Kramer 

| Comparison |     Test # |      Ref # | Difference |          t |        p |
|          1 |          2 |          1 |    +0.5114 |      +1.04 |     .311 |

|    GROUP # |                                       GROUP label |        N |
|          1 |                                                 0 |       10 |
|          2 |                                                 1 |       10 |

and the following figure

Figure 1

Demonstration 8

The following code

 y = randn (20, 1); x = randn (20, 1); X = [ones(20, 1), x];
 g = [zeros(10, 1); ones(10, 1)];
 func = @(M) subsref (M(:,2:end) \ M(:,1), ...
                      struct ('type', '()', 'subs', {{2}}));

 boot1way ([y, X], g, 'bootfun', func);

 % Please be patient, the calculations will be completed soon...

Produces the following output

Summary of bootstrap multiple comparison tests in a one-way layout
Bootstrap settings: 
 Function: @(M) subsref (M (:, 2:end) \ M (:, 1), struct ('type', '()', 'subs', {{2}}))
 Bootstrap resampling method: Balanced, bootstrap resampling
 Number of bootstrap resamples: 999 
 Method for estimating standard errors: Balanced, bootknife resampling
 Number of bootknife resamples used to estimate standard errors: 99 
 Multiple comparison method: Single-step maxT procedure based on Tukey-Kramer 

| Comparison |     Test # |      Ref # | Difference |          t |        p |
|          1 |          2 |          1 |    +0.6293 |      +1.02 |     .266 |

|    GROUP # |                                       GROUP label |        N |
|          1 |                                                 0 |       10 |
|          2 |                                                 1 |       10 |

and the following figure

Figure 1

Package: statistics-resampling