Uses bootstrap to calculate confidence intervals (and p-values) for the regression coefficients from a linear model and performs N-way ANOVA. -- Function File: bootlm (Y, X) -- Function File: bootlm (Y, GROUP) -- Function File: bootlm (Y, GROUP, ..., NAME, VALUE) -- Function File: bootlm (Y, GROUP, ..., 'dim', DIM) -- Function File: bootlm (Y, GROUP, ..., 'continuous', CONTINUOUS) -- Function File: bootlm (Y, GROUP, ..., 'model', MODELTYPE) -- Function File: bootlm (Y, GROUP, ..., 'standardize', STANDARDIZE) -- Function File: bootlm (Y, GROUP, ..., 'varnames', VARNAMES) -- Function File: bootlm (Y, GROUP, ..., 'method', METHOD) -- Function File: bootlm (Y, GROUP, ..., 'method', 'bayesian', 'prior', PRIOR) -- Function File: bootlm (Y, GROUP, ..., 'alpha', ALPHA) -- Function File: bootlm (Y, GROUP, ..., 'display', DISPOPT) -- Function File: bootlm (Y, GROUP, ..., 'contrasts', CONTRASTS) -- Function File: bootlm (Y, GROUP, ..., 'nboot', NBOOT) -- Function File: bootlm (Y, GROUP, ..., 'clustid', CLUSTID) -- Function File: bootlm (Y, GROUP, ..., 'blocksz', BLOCKSZ) -- Function File: bootlm (Y, GROUP, ..., 'posthoc', POSTHOC) -- Function File: bootlm (Y, GROUP, ..., 'seed', SEED) -- Function File: STATS = bootlm (...) -- Function File: [STATS, BOOTSTAT] = bootlm (...) -- Function File: [STATS, BOOTSTAT, AOVSTAT] = bootlm (...) -- Function File: [STATS, BOOTSTAT, AOVSTAT, PRED_ERR] = bootlm (...) -- Function File: [STATS, BOOTSTAT, AOVSTAT, PRED_ERR, X] = bootlm (...) Fits a linear model with categorical and/or continuous predictors (i.e. independent variables) on a continuous outcome (i.e. dependent variable) and computes the following statistics for each regression coefficient: - name: the name(s) of the regression coefficient(s) - coeff: the value of the regression coefficient(s) - CI_lower: lower bound(s) of the 95% confidence interval (CI) - CI_upper: upper bound(s) of the 95% confidence interval (CI) - p-val: two-tailed p-value(s) for the parameter(s) being equal to 0 By default, confidence intervals and Null Hypothesis Significance Tests (NHSTs) for the regression coefficients (H0 = 0) are calculated by wild bootstrap-t and are robust when normality and homoscedasticity cannot be assumed [1]. Usage of this function is very similar to that of 'anovan'. Data (Y) is a numeric variable, and the predictor(s) are specified in GROUP (a.k.a. X), which can be a vector, matrix, or cell array. For a single predictor, GROUP can be a vector of numbers, logical values or characters, or a cell array of numbers, logical values or character strings, with the same number of elements (n) as Y. For K predictors, GROUP can be either a 1-by-K, where each column corresponds to a predictor as defined above, an n-by-K cell array, or an n-by-K array of numbers or characters. If Y, or the definitions of each predictor in GROUP, are not column vectors, then they will be transposed or reshaped to be column vectors. Rows of data whose outcome (Y) or value of any predictor is NaN or Inf are excluded. For examples of function usage, please see demonstrations in the manual at: Note that if GROUP is defined as a design matrix X, containing (one or more) continuous predictors only, a constant term (intercept) should not be included in X - one is automatically added to the model. For models containing any categorical predictors, the 'bootlm' function creates the design matrix for you. If you have already constructed a design matrix, consider using the functions 'bootwild' and 'bootbayes' instead. 'bootlm' can take a number of optional parameters as name-value pairs. '[...] = bootlm (Y, GROUP, ..., 'varnames', VARNAMES)' <> VARNAMES must be a cell array of strings with each element containing a predictor name for each column of GROUP. By default (if not parsed as optional argument), VARNAMES are 'X1','X2','X3', etc. '[...] = bootlm (Y, GROUP, ..., 'continuous', CONTINUOUS)' <> CONTINUOUS is a vector of indices indicating which of the columns (i.e. predictors) in GROUP should be treated as continuous predictors rather than as categorical predictors. The relationship between continuous predictors and the outcome should be linear. '[...] = bootlm (Y, GROUP, ..., 'model', MODELTYPE)' <> MODELTYPE can specified as one of the following: o 'linear' (default): compute N main effects with no interactions. o 'interaction': compute N effects and N*(N-1) interactions o 'full': compute the N main effects and interactions at all levels o a scalar integer: representing the maximum interaction order o a matrix of term definitions: each row is a term and each column is a predictor -- Example: A two-way design with interaction would be: [1 0; 0 1; 1 1] '[...] = bootlm (Y, GROUP, ..., 'standardize', STANDARDIZE)' <> STANDARDIZE can be either 'off' (or false, default) or 'on' (or true), which controls whether the outcome and any continuous predictors in the model should be converted to standard scores) before model fitting to give standardized regression coefficients. Please see the documentation relating to the 'posthoc' input argument to read about further consequences of turning on 'standardize'. '[...] = bootlm (Y, GROUP, ..., 'method', METHOD)' <> METHOD can be specified as one of the following: o 'wild' (default): Wild bootstrap-t, using the 'bootwild' function. Please see the help documentation below and in the function 'bootwild' for more information about this method [1]. o 'bayesian': Bayesian bootstrap, using the 'bootbayes' function. Please see the help documentation below and in the function 'bootbayes' for more information about this method [2]. Note that p-values are a frequentist concept and are only computed and returned from bootlm when the METHOD is 'wild'. Since the wild bootstrap method here (based on Webb's 6-point distribution) imposes symmetry on the sampling of the residuals, we recommend using 'wild' bootstrap for (two-sided) hypothesis tests, and instead use 'bayesian' bootstrap with the 'auto' prior setting (see below) for estimation of precision/uncertainty (e.g. credible intervals). '[...] = bootlm (Y, GROUP, ..., 'method', 'bayesian', 'prior', PRIOR)' <> Sets the prior for Bayesian bootstrap. Possible values are: o scalar: A positive real numeric scalar to parametrize the form of the symmetric Dirichlet distribution. The Dirichlet distribution is the conjugate PRIOR used to randomly generate weights for linear least squares fitting of the observed data and subsequently to estimate the posterior for the regression coefficients by nonparametric Bayesian bootstrap. o 'auto': Sets a value for PRIOR that effectively incorporates Bessel's correction a priori such that the variance of the posterior (i.e. of the rows of BOOTSTAT) becomes an unbiased estimator of the sampling variance*. The calculation used for 'auto' is as follows: PRIOR = 1 - 2 / N For block or cluster bootstrap, N corresponds to the number of blocks or clusters (i.e. the number of independent sampling units). The 'auto' setting is recommended but is only available for Bayesian bootstrap of the estimated marginal means and for the posthoc tests (not the regression coefficients). Note that in the case where PRIOR is set to 0, credible intervals will be computed using the standard deviation of the posterior distribution and quantiles from a standard normal distribution. The default value of PRIOR is the scalar: 1, which corresponds to Bayes rule: a uniform (or flat) Dirichlet distribution (over all points in its support). Please see the help documentation for the function 'bootbayes' for more information about the prior [2]. '[...] = bootlm (Y, GROUP, ..., 'alpha', ALPHA)' <> ALPHA is numeric and sets the lower and upper bounds of the confidence or credible interval(s). The value(s) of ALPHA must be between 0 and 1. ALPHA can either be: o scalar: Set the central mass of the intervals to 100*(1-ALPHA)%. For example, 0.05 for a 95% interval. If METHOD is 'wild', then the intervals are symmetric bootstrap-t confidence intervals [1]. If METHOD is 'bayesian', then the intervals are shortest probability credible intervals [2]. o vector: A pair of probabilities defining the lower and upper and upper bounds of the interval(s) as 100*(ALPHA(1))% and 100*(ALPHA(2))% respectively. For example, [.025, .975] for a 95% interval. If METHOD is 'wild', then the intervals are asymmetric bootstrap-t confidence intervals [1]. If METHOD is 'bayesian', then the intervals are simple percentile credible intervals [2]. The default value of ALPHA is the scalar: 0.05. '[...] = bootlm (Y, GROUP, ..., 'display', DISPOPT)' <> DISPOPT can be either 'on' (or true, default) or 'off' (or false) and controls the display of the model formula, a table of model parameter estimates and a figure of diagnostic plots. The p-values are formatted in APA-style. '[...] = bootlm (Y, GROUP, ..., 'contrasts', CONTRASTS)' <> CONTRASTS can be specified as one of the following: o A string corresponding to one of the built-in contrasts listed below: o 'treatment' (default): Treatment contrast (or dummy) coding. The intercept represents the mean of the first level of all the predictors. Each slope coefficient compares one level of a predictor (or interaction between predictors) with the first level for that/those predictor(s), at the first level of all the other predictors. The first (or reference level) of the predictor(s) is defined as the first level of the predictor (or combination of the predictors) listed in the GROUP argument. This type of contrast is ideal for one-way designs or factorial designs of nominal predictor variables that have an obvious reference or control group. o 'anova' or 'simple': Simple (ANOVA) contrast coding. The intercept represents the grand mean. Each slope coefficient represents the difference between one level of a predictor (or interaction between predictors) to the first level for that/those predictor(s), averaged over all levels of the other predictor(s). The first (or reference level) of the predictor(s) is defined as the first level of the predictor (or combination of the predictors) listed in the GROUP argument. The columns of this contrast coding scheme sum to zero. This type of contrast is ideal for nominal predictor variables that have an obvious reference or control group and that are modelled together with a covariate or blocking factor. o 'poly': Polynomial contrast coding for trend analysis. The intercept represents the grand mean. The remaining slope coefficients returned are for linear, quadratic, cubic etc. trends across the levels. In addition to the columns of this contrast coding scheme summing to zero, this contrast coding is orthogonal (i.e. the off-diagonal elements of its autocovariance matrix are zero) and so the slope coefficients are independent. This type of contrast is ideal for ordinal predictor variables, in particular, predictors with ordered levels that are evenly spaced. o 'helmert': Helmert contrast coding. The intercept represents the grand mean. Each slope coefficient represents the difference between one level of a predictor (or interaction between predictors) with the mean of the subsequent levels, where the order of the predictor levels is as they appear in the GROUP argument. In addition to the columns of this contrast coding scheme summing to zero, this contrast coding is orthogonal (i.e. the off-diagonal elements of its autocovariance matrix are zero) and so the slope coefficients are independent. This type of contrast is ideal for predictor variables that are either ordinal, or nominal with their levels ordered such that the contrast coding reflects tests of some hypotheses of interest about the nested grouping of the predictor levels. o 'effect': Deviation effect coding. The intercept represents the grand mean. Each slope coefficient compares one level of a predictor (or interaction between predictors) with the grand mean. Note that a slope coefficient is omitted for the first level of the predictor(s) listed in the GROUP argument. The columns of this contrast coding scheme sum to zero. This type of contrast is ideal for nominal predictor variables when there is no obvious reference group. o 'sdif' or 'sdiff': Successive differences contrast coding. The intercept represents the grand mean. Each slope coefficient represents the difference between one level of a predictor (or interaction between predictors) to the previous one, where the order of the predictor levels is as they appear in the GROUP argument. The columns of this contrast coding coding scheme sum to zero. This type of contrast is ideal for ordinal predictor variables. <> A matrix containing a custom contrast coding scheme (i.e. the generalized inverse of contrast weights). Rows in the contrast matrices correspond to predictor levels in the order that they first appear in the GROUP column. The matrix must contain the same number of columns as there are the number of predictor levels minus one. If the linear model contains more than one predictor and a built-in contrast coding scheme was specified, then those contrasts are applied to all predictors. To specify different contrasts for different predictors in the model, CONTRASTS should be a cell array with the same number of cells as there are columns in GROUP. Each cell should define contrasts for the respective column in GROUP by one of the methods described above. If cells are left empty, then the default contrasts are applied. Contrasts for cells corresponding to continuous predictors are ignored. '[...] = bootlm (Y, GROUP, ..., 'nboot', NBOOT)' <> Specifies the number of bootstrap resamples, where NBOOT must be a positive integer. If empty, the default value of NBOOT is 9999. '[...] = bootlm (Y, GROUP, ..., 'clustid', CLUSTID)' <> Specifies a vector or cell array of numbers or strings respectively to be used as cluster labels or identifiers. Rows of the data with the same CLUSTID value are treated as clusters with dependent errors. If CLUSTID is a row vector or a two dimensional array or matrix, then it will be transposed or reshaped to be a column vectors. If empty (default), no clustered resampling is performed and all errors are treated as independent. The standard errors computed are cluster- robust standard errors. '[...] = bootlm (Y, GROUP, ..., 'blocksz', BLOCKSZ)' <> Specifies a scalar, which sets the block size for bootstrapping when the errors have serial dependence. Rows of the data within the same block are treated as having dependent errors. If empty (default), no clustered resampling is performed and all errors are treated as independent. The standard errors computed are cluster robust. '[...] = bootlm (Y, GROUP, ..., 'dim', DIM)' <> DIM can be specified as one of the following: o a cell array of strings corresponding to variable names defined VARNAMES, or o a scalar or vector specifying the dimension(s), over which 'bootlm' calculates and returns estimated marginal means instead of regression coefficients. For example, the value [1 3] computes the estimated marginal mean for each combination of the levels of the first and third predictors. The rows of the estimates returned are sorted according to the order of the dimensions specified in DIM. The default value of DIM is empty, which makes 'bootlm' return the statistics for the model coefficients. If DIM is, or includes, a continuous predictor then 'bootlm' will return an error. The following statistics are printed when specifying 'dim': - name: the name(s) of the estimated marginal mean(s) - mean: the estimated marginal mean(s) - CI_lower: lower bound(s) of the 95% confidence interval (CI) - CI_upper: upper bound(s) of the 95% confidence interval (CI) - N: the number of independent sampling units used to compute CIs '[...] = bootlm (Y, GROUP, ..., 'posthoc', POSTHOC)' <> When DIM is specified, POSTHOC comparisons along DIM can be one of the following: o empty or 'none' (default) : No posthoc comparisons are performed. The statistics returned are for the estimated marginal means. o 'pairwise' : Pairwise comparisons are performed. o 'trt_vs_ctrl' : Treatment vs. Control comparisons are performed. Control corresponds to the level(s) of the predictor(s) listed within the first row of STATS when POSTHOC is set to 'none'. o {'trt_vs_ctrl', k} : Treatment vs. Control comparisons are performed. The control is group number k as returned when POSTHOC is set to 'none'. o a two-column numeric matrix defining each pair of comparisons, where each number in the matrix corresponds to the row number of the estimated-marginal means as listed for the same value(s) of DIM and when POSTHOC is set to 'none'. The comparison corresponds to the row-wise differences: column 1 - column 2. See demo 6 for an example. All of the posthoc comparisons use the Holm-Bonferroni procedure to control the type I error rate, but the confidence intervals are not adjusted for multiple comparisons. If the 'standardize' input argument set to 'on', the estimates, confidence intervals and bootstrap statistics for the comparisons are converted to estimates of Cohen's d standardized effect sizes. Cohen's d here is calculated from the residual standard deviation, which is estimated from the standard errors and the sample sizes. As such, the effect sizes calculated exclude variability attributed to other predictors in the model. '[...] = bootlm (Y, GROUP, ..., 'seed', SEED)' initialises the Mersenne Twister random number generator using an integer SEED value so that 'bootlm' results are reproducible. 'bootlm' can return up to four output arguments: 'STATS = bootlm (...)' returns a structure with the following fields: - 'method': The bootstrap method - 'name': The names of each of the estimates - 'estimate': The value of the estimates - 'CI_lower': The lower bound(s) of the confidence/credible interval(s) - 'CI_upper': The upper bound(s) of the confidence/credible interval(s) - 'pval': The p-value(s) for the hypothesis that the estimate(s) == 0 - 'fpr': The minimum false positive risk (FPR) for each p-value [3]. - 'N': The number of independent sampling units used to compute CIs - 'prior': The prior used for Bayesian bootstrap. This will return a scalar for regression coefficients, or a P x 1 or P x 2 matrix for estimated marginal means or posthoc tests respectively, where P is the number of parameter estimates. - 'levels': A cell array with the levels of each predictor. - 'contrasts': A cell array of contrasts associated with each predictor. Note that the p-values returned are truncated at the resolution limit determined by the number of bootstrap replicates, specifically 1 / (NBOOT + 1). Values for the minumum false positive risk are computed using the Sellke-Berger approach. The following fields are only returned when 'estimate' corresponds to model regression coefficients: 'levels' and 'contrasts'. '[STATS, BOOTSTAT] = bootlm (...)' also returns a P x NBOOT matrix of bootstrap statistics for the estimated parameters, where P is the number of parameters estimated in the model. Depending on the DIM and POSTHOC input arguments set by the user, the estimated parameters whose bootstrap statistics are returned will be either regression coefficients, the estimated marginal means, or the mean differences between groups of a categorical predictor for posthoc testing. '[STATS, BOOTSTAT, AOVSTAT] = bootlm (...)' also computes bootstrapped ANOVA statistics* and returns them in a structure with the following fields: - 'MODEL': The formula of the linear model(s) in Wilkinson's notation - 'SS': Sum-of-squares - 'DF': Degrees of freedom - 'MS': Mean-squares - 'F': F-Statistic - 'PVAL': p-values - 'FPR': The minimum false positive risk for each p-value [3] - 'SSE': Sum-of-Squared Error - 'DFE': Degrees of Freedom for Error - 'MSE': Mean Squared Error The ANOVA implemented uses sequential (type I) sums-of-squares and so the results and their interpretation depend on the order** of predictors in the GROUP variable (when the design is not balanced). Thus, the null model used for comparison for each model is the model listed directly above it in AOVSTAT; for the first model, the null model is the intercept-only model. Note that ANOVA statistics are only returned when the method used is 'wild' bootstrap AND when no other statistics are requested (i.e. estimated marginal means or posthoc tests). The bootstrap is achieved by wild bootstrap of the residuals from the full model [1,4]. Computations of the statistics in AOVSTAT are compatible with the 'clustid' and 'blocksz' options. The bootlm function treats all model predictors as fixed effects during ANOVA tests. While any type of predictor, be it a fixed effect or nuisance random effect, can be included in the model as a main effect, any p-values returned are only meaningful for the main effects and interactions that involve just fixed effects - same goes for the p-values and confidence intervals for the associated regression coefficients. Note also that the bootlm function can be used to compute p-values for ANOVA with nested data structures by cluster bootstrap resampling (see the 'clustid' option). ** See demo 7 for an example of how to obtain results for ANOVA using type II sums-of-squares, which test hypotheses that give results invariant to the order of the predictors, regardless of whether sample sizes are equal or not. '[STATS, BOOTSTAT, AOVSTAT, PRED_ERR] = bootlm (...)' also computes refined bootstrap estimates of prediction error* and returns statistics derived from it in a structure containing the following fields: - 'MODEL': The formula of the linear model(s) in Wilkinson's notation - 'PE': Bootstrap estimate of prediction error [5] - 'PRESS': Bootstrap estimate of predicted residual error sum of squares - 'RSQ_pred': Bootstrap estimate of predicted R-squared - 'EIC': Extended (Efron) Information Criterion [6] - 'RL': Relative likelihood (compared to the intercept-only model) - 'Wt': EIC expressed as weights The linear models evaluated are the same as for AOVSTAT, except that the output also includes the statistics for the intercept-only model. Note that PRED_ERR statistics are only returned when the method used is 'wild' bootstrap AND when no other statistics are requested (i.e. estimated marginal means or posthoc tests). Computations of the statistics in PRED_ERR are compatible with the 'clustid' and 'blocksz' options. Note that it is possible (and not unusual) to get a negative value for RSQ-pred, particularly for the intercept-only model. * If the parallel computing toolbox (Matlab) or package (Octave) is installed and loaded, then these computations will be automatically accelerated by parallel processing on platforms with multiple processors '[STATS, BOOTSTAT, AOVSTAT, PRED_ERR, MAT] = bootlm (...)' also returns a structure containing the design matrix of the predictors (X), the regression coefficients (b), the hypothesis matrix (L) and the outcome (Y) for the linear model. Bibliography: [1] Penn, A.C. statistics-resampling manual: `bootwild` function reference. and references therein. Last accessed 02 Sept 2024. [2] Penn, A.C. statistics-resampling manual: `bootbayes` function reference. and references therein. Last accessed 02 Sept 2024. [3] David Colquhoun (2019) The False Positive Risk: A Proposal Concerning What to Do About p-Values, The American Statistician, 73:sup1, 192-201 [4] ter Braak (1992) Permutation versus bootstrap significance test in multiple regression and ANOVA. In Jockel et al (Eds.) Bootstrapping and Related Techniques. Springer-Verlag, Berlin, pg 79-86 [5] Efron and Tibshirani (1993) An Introduction to the Bootstrap. New York, NY: Chapman & Hall. pg 247-252 [6] Konishi & Kitagawa (2008), "Bootstrap Information Criterion" In: Information Criteria and Statistical Modeling. Springer Series in Statistics. Springer, NY. bootlm (version 2024.07.08) Author: Andrew Charles Penn Copyright 2019 Andrew Charles Penn This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see
The following code
% Two-sample unpaired test on independent samples (equivalent to Welch's % t-test). score = [54 23 45 54 45 43 34 65 77 46 65]'; gender = {'male' 'male' 'male' 'male' 'male' 'female' 'female' 'female' ... 'female' 'female' 'female'}'; % 95% confidence intervals and p-values for the difference in mean score % between males and females (computed by wild bootstrap) STATS = bootlm (score, gender, 'display', 'on', 'varnames', 'gender', ... 'dim', 1, 'posthoc','trt_vs_ctrl'); % Standardized effect size (Cohen's d) with 95% confidence intervals and % total sample size for the difference in mean score between males and % females (computed by wild bootstrap) STATS = bootlm (score, gender, 'display', 'on', 'varnames', 'gender', ... 'dim', 1, 'posthoc','trt_vs_ctrl', 'standardize', true, ... 'method', 'wild'); fprintf ('Cohen''s d [95%% CI] = %.2f [%.2f, %.2f] (N = %u)\n\n', ... STATS.estimate, STATS.CI_lower, STATS.CI_upper, STATS.N) % Standardized effect size (Cohen's d) with 95% credible intervals and % total sample size for the difference in mean score between males and % females (computed by bayesian bootstrap) STATS = bootlm (score, gender, 'display', 'on', 'varnames', 'gender', ... 'dim', 1, 'posthoc','trt_vs_ctrl', 'standardize', true, ... 'method', 'bayesian', 'prior', 'auto'); fprintf ('Cohen''s d [95%% CI] = %.2f [%.2f, %.2f] (N = %u)\n\n', ... STATS.estimate, STATS.CI_lower, STATS.CI_upper, STATS.N) % 95% credible intervals for the estimated marginal means of the scores by % males and females (computed by Bayesian bootstrap) STATS = bootlm (score, gender, 'display', 'on', 'varnames', 'gender', ... 'dim', 1, 'method', 'bayesian', 'prior', 'auto');
Produces the following output
MODEL FORMULA (based on Wilkinson's notation): score ~ 1 + gender MODEL POSTHOC COMPARISONS name mean CI_lower CI_upper p-adj -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- female - male +10.80 -8.779 +30.38 .239 MODEL FORMULA (based on Wilkinson's notation): score ~ 1 + gender MODEL POSTHOC COMPARISONS name mean CI_lower CI_upper p-adj -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- female - male +0.7471 -0.6022 +2.096 .243 Cohen's d [95% CI] = 0.75 [-0.60, 2.10] (N = 11) MODEL FORMULA (based on Wilkinson's notation): score ~ 1 + gender MODEL POSTHOC COMPARISONS name mean CI_lower CI_upper -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- female - male +0.7500 -0.3708 +1.962 Cohen's d [95% CI] = 0.75 [-0.37, 1.96] (N = 11) MODEL FORMULA (based on Wilkinson's notation): score ~ 1 + gender MODEL ESTIMATED MARGINAL MEANS name mean CI_lower CI_upper N -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- male +44.20 +32.47 +53.12 5 female +55.00 +42.03 +67.49 6
and the following figure
Figure 1 |
The following code
% Two-sample paired test on dependent or matched samples equivalent to a % paired t-test. % % IMPORTANT: We are only interested here in the statistics for the predictor % 'treatment', which we have fitted, and interpreted as, a fixed effect. We % have also treated the predictor 'subject' as a fixed effect, when in most % instances we would want include it as a random effect in a mixed model. % However, treating 'subject' as a fixed doesn't affect our results for % 'treatment' since there is no interaction specified between the two % predictors in our model. score = [4.5 5.6; 3.7 6.4; 5.3 6.4; 5.4 6.0; 3.9 5.7]'; treatment = {'before' 'after'; 'before' 'after'; 'before' 'after'; 'before' 'after'; 'before' 'after'}'; subject = {'GS' 'GS'; 'JM' 'JM'; 'HM' 'HM'; 'JW' 'JW'; 'PS' 'PS'}'; % 95% confidence intervals and p-values for the difference in mean score % before and after treatment (computed by wild bootstrap) STATS = bootlm (score, {subject, treatment}, ... 'model', 'linear', 'display', 'on', ... 'varnames', {'subject','treatment'}, ... 'dim', 2, 'posthoc','trt_vs_ctrl'); % Standardized effect size (Cohen's d) with 95% confidence intervals and % total sample size for the difference in mean score before and after % treatment (computed by wild bootstrap). In this particular case, % rather than the full model, we have opted for an estimate of the classic % Cohen's d by refitting the model as a between-subjects design. (It is % possible to get the standardized effect size from the full model instead, % but this does change the interpretation of the effect size - ensure that % your methods are properly documented with reports of standardized effect % sizes) STATS = bootlm (score, {treatment}, 'standardize', true, 'model', 'linear', ... 'display', 'on', 'varnames', 'treatment', ... 'dim', 1, 'posthoc','trt_vs_ctrl', ... 'method', 'wild'); fprintf ('Cohen''s d [95%% CI] = %.2f [%.2f, %.2f] (N = %u)\n\n', ... STATS.estimate, STATS.CI_lower, STATS.CI_upper, STATS.N) % Standardized effect size (Cohen's d) with 95% credible intervals and % total sample size for the difference in mean score before and after % treatment (computed by bayesian bootstrap). STATS = bootlm (score, {treatment}, 'standardize', true, 'model', 'linear', ... 'display', 'on', 'varnames', 'treatment', ... 'dim', 1, 'posthoc','trt_vs_ctrl', ... 'method', 'bayesian', 'prior', 'auto'); fprintf ('Cohen''s d [95%% CI] = %.2f [%.2f, %.2f] (N = %u)\n\n', ... STATS.estimate, STATS.CI_lower, STATS.CI_upper, STATS.N) % 95% credible intervals for the estimated marginal means of the scores % before and after treatment (computed by Bayesian bootstrap) STATS = bootlm (score, {subject, treatment}, ... 'model', 'linear', 'display', 'on', ... 'varnames', {'subject','treatment'}, ... 'dim', 2, 'method','bayesian', 'prior', 'auto');
Produces the following output
MODEL FORMULA (based on Wilkinson's notation): score ~ 1 + subject + treatment MODEL POSTHOC COMPARISONS name mean CI_lower CI_upper p-adj -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- after - before +1.460 +0.6672 +2.253 .002 MODEL FORMULA (based on Wilkinson's notation): score ~ 1 + treatment MODEL POSTHOC COMPARISONS name mean CI_lower CI_upper p-adj -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- after - before +2.384 +0.6359 +4.132 .012 Cohen's d [95% CI] = 2.38 [0.64, 4.13] (N = 10) MODEL FORMULA (based on Wilkinson's notation): score ~ 1 + treatment MODEL POSTHOC COMPARISONS name mean CI_lower CI_upper -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- after - before +2.397 +1.178 +3.572 Cohen's d [95% CI] = 2.40 [1.18, 3.57] (N = 10) MODEL FORMULA (based on Wilkinson's notation): score ~ 1 + subject + treatment MODEL ESTIMATED MARGINAL MEANS name mean CI_lower CI_upper N -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- before +4.560 +4.103 +4.984 5 after +6.020 +5.577 +6.459 5
and the following figure
Figure 1 |
The following code
% One-way design. The data is from a study on the strength of structural % beams, in Hogg and Ledolter (1987) Engineering Statistics. NY: MacMillan strength = [82 86 79 83 84 85 86 87 74 82 ... 78 75 76 77 79 79 77 78 82 79]'; alloy = {'st','st','st','st','st','st','st','st', ... 'al1','al1','al1','al1','al1','al1', ... 'al2','al2','al2','al2','al2','al2'}'; % One-way ANOVA statistics [STATS, BOOTSTAT, AOVSTAT] = bootlm (strength, alloy, 'display', 'off', 'varnames', 'alloy'); fprintf ('ONE-WAY ANOVA SUMMARY\n') fprintf ('F(%u,%u) = %.2f, p = %.3g for the model: %s\n', ... AOVSTAT.DF, AOVSTAT.DFE, AOVSTAT.F, ... AOVSTAT.PVAL, AOVSTAT.MODEL{1}); % 95% confidence intervals and p-values for the differences in mean strength % of the three alloys (computed by wild bootstrap) STATS = bootlm (strength, alloy, 'display', 'on', 'varnames', 'alloy', 'dim', 1, 'posthoc','pairwise', ... 'alpha', [.025, .975]); % 95% credible intervals for the estimated marginal means of the strengths % of each of the alloys (computed by Bayesian bootstrap) STATS = bootlm (strength, alloy, 'display', 'on', 'varnames', 'alloy', ... 'dim', 1, 'method','bayesian', 'prior', 'auto');
Produces the following output
ONE-WAY ANOVA SUMMARY F(2,17) = 15.40, p = 0.0001 for the model: strength ~ 1 + alloy MODEL FORMULA (based on Wilkinson's notation): strength ~ 1 + alloy MODEL POSTHOC COMPARISONS name mean CI_lower CI_upper p-adj -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- st - al1 +7.000 +3.801 +10.10 <.001 st - al2 +5.000 +2.580 +7.411 <.001 al1 - al2 -2.000 -4.843 +0.8903 .176 MODEL FORMULA (based on Wilkinson's notation): strength ~ 1 + alloy MODEL ESTIMATED MARGINAL MEANS name mean CI_lower CI_upper N -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- st +84.00 +82.18 +85.72 8 al1 +77.00 +74.93 +79.44 6 al2 +79.00 +77.69 +80.41 6
and the following figure
Figure 1 |
The following code
% One-way repeated measures design. The data is from a study on the number % of words recalled by 10 subjects for three time condtions, in Loftus & % Masson (1994) Psychon Bull Rev. 1(4):476-490, Table 2. % % IMPORTANT: We are only interested here in the statistics for the predictor % 'seconds', which we have fitted, and interpreted as, a fixed effect. We % have also treated the predictor 'subject' as a fixed effect, when in most % instances we would want include it as a random effect in a mixed model. % However, treating 'subject' as a fixed doesn't affect our results for % 'seconds' since there is no interaction specified between the two % predictors in our model. words = [10 13 13; 6 8 8; 11 14 14; 22 23 25; 16 18 20; ... 15 17 17; 1 1 4; 12 15 17; 9 12 12; 8 9 12]; seconds = [1 2 5; 1 2 5; 1 2 5; 1 2 5; 1 2 5; ... 1 2 5; 1 2 5; 1 2 5; 1 2 5; 1 2 5;]; subject = [ 1 1 1; 2 2 2; 3 3 3; 4 4 4; 5 5 5; ... 6 6 6; 7 7 7; 8 8 8; 9 9 9; 10 10 10]; % One-way repeated measures ANOVA statistics [STATS, BOOTSTAT, AOVSTAT] = bootlm (words, {subject, seconds}, ... 'model', 'linear', 'display', 'off', ... 'varnames', {'subject', 'seconds'}); fprintf ('ONE-WAY REPEATED MEASURES ANOVA SUMMARY\n') fprintf ('F(%u,%u) = %.2f, p = %.3g for the model: %s\n', ... AOVSTAT.DF(2), AOVSTAT.DFE, AOVSTAT.F(2), ... AOVSTAT.PVAL(2), AOVSTAT.MODEL{2}); % 95% confidence intervals and p-values for the differences in mean number % of words recalled for the different times (using wild bootstrap). STATS = bootlm (words, {subject, seconds}, ... 'model', 'linear', 'display', 'on', ... 'varnames', {'subject', 'seconds'}, ... 'dim', 2, 'posthoc', 'pairwise', ... 'alpha', [.025, .975]); % 95% credible intervals for the estimated marginal means of the number of % words recalled for each time (computed using Bayesian bootstrap). STATS = bootlm (words, {subject, seconds}, ... 'model', 'linear', 'display', 'on', ... 'varnames', {'subject', 'seconds'}, ... 'dim', 2, 'method', 'bayesian', 'prior', 'auto');
Produces the following output
ONE-WAY REPEATED MEASURES ANOVA SUMMARY F(2,18) = 42.51, p = 0.0001 for the model: words ~ 1 + subject + seconds MODEL FORMULA (based on Wilkinson's notation): words ~ 1 + subject + seconds MODEL POSTHOC COMPARISONS name mean CI_lower CI_upper p-adj -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 - 2 -2.000 -2.734 -1.285 <.001 1 - 5 -3.200 -3.865 -2.547 <.001 2 - 5 -1.200 -2.056 -0.3454 .010 MODEL FORMULA (based on Wilkinson's notation): words ~ 1 + subject + seconds MODEL ESTIMATED MARGINAL MEANS name mean CI_lower CI_upper N -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 +11.00 +10.66 +11.37 10 2 +13.00 +12.52 +13.48 10 5 +14.20 +13.75 +14.65 10
and the following figure
Figure 1 |
The following code
% Balanced two-way design. The data is yield of cups of popped popcorn from % different popcorn brands and popper types, in Hogg and Ledolter (1987) % Engineering Statistics. NY: MacMillan popcorn = [5.5, 4.5, 3.5; 5.5, 4.5, 4.0; 6.0, 4.0, 3.0; ... 6.5, 5.0, 4.0; 7.0, 5.5, 5.0; 7.0, 5.0, 4.5]; brands = {'Gourmet', 'National', 'Generic'; ... 'Gourmet', 'National', 'Generic'; ... 'Gourmet', 'National', 'Generic'; ... 'Gourmet', 'National', 'Generic'; ... 'Gourmet', 'National', 'Generic'; ... 'Gourmet', 'National', 'Generic'}; popper = {'oil', 'oil', 'oil'; 'oil', 'oil', 'oil'; 'oil', 'oil', 'oil'; ... 'air', 'air', 'air'; 'air', 'air', 'air'; 'air', 'air', 'air'}; % Check regression coefficients corresponding to brand x popper interaction STATS = bootlm (popcorn, {brands, popper}, ... 'display', 'on', 'model', 'full', ... 'varnames', {'brands', 'popper'}); % 95% confidence intervals and p-values for the differences in mean yield of % different popcorn brands (computed by wild bootstrap). STATS = bootlm (popcorn, {brands, popper}, ... 'display', 'on', 'model', 'full', ... 'varnames', {'brands', 'popper'}, ... 'dim', 1, 'posthoc', 'pairwise'); % 95% credible intervals for the estimated marginal means of the yield for % each popcorn brand (computed by Bayesian bootstrap). STATS = bootlm (popcorn, {brands, popper}, ... 'display', 'on', 'model', 'full', ... 'varnames', {'brands', 'popper'}, ... 'dim', 1, 'method', 'bayesian', 'prior', 'auto'); % 95% confidence intervals and p-values for the differences in mean yield % for different popper types (computed by wild bootstrap). STATS = bootlm (popcorn, {brands, popper}, ... 'display', 'on', 'model', 'full', ... 'varnames', {'brands', 'popper'}, ... 'dim', 2, 'posthoc', 'pairwise'); % 95% credible intervals for the estimated marginal means of the yield for % each popper type (computed by Bayesian bootstrap). STATS = bootlm (popcorn, {brands, popper}, ... 'display', 'on', 'model', 'full', ... 'varnames', {'brands', 'popper'}, ... 'dim', 2, 'method', 'bayesian', 'prior', 'auto');
Produces the following output
MODEL FORMULA (based on Wilkinson's notation): popcorn ~ 1 + brands + popper + brands:popper MODEL COEFFICIENTS name coeff CI_lower CI_upper p-val -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- (Intercept) +5.667 +4.793 +6.540 <.001 brands_1 -1.333 -1.887 -0.7798 .010 brands_2 -2.167 -3.121 -1.213 <.001 popper_1 +1.167 +0.6056 +1.728 .017 brands:popper_1 -0.3333 -1.067 +0.4001 .333 brands:popper_2 -0.1667 -1.253 +0.9201 .726 MODEL FORMULA (based on Wilkinson's notation): popcorn ~ 1 + brands + popper + brands:popper MODEL POSTHOC COMPARISONS name mean CI_lower CI_upper p-adj -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Gourmet - National +1.500 +1.127 +1.873 <.001 Gourmet - Generic +2.250 +1.706 +2.794 <.001 National - Generic +0.7500 +0.2082 +1.292 .011 MODEL FORMULA (based on Wilkinson's notation): popcorn ~ 1 + brands + popper + brands:popper MODEL ESTIMATED MARGINAL MEANS name mean CI_lower CI_upper N -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Gourmet +6.250 +6.063 +6.440 6 National +4.750 +4.558 +4.939 6 Generic +4.000 +3.682 +4.328 6 MODEL FORMULA (based on Wilkinson's notation): popcorn ~ 1 + brands + popper + brands:popper MODEL POSTHOC COMPARISONS name mean CI_lower CI_upper p-adj -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- oil - air -1.000 -1.392 -0.6077 <.001 MODEL FORMULA (based on Wilkinson's notation): popcorn ~ 1 + brands + popper + brands:popper MODEL ESTIMATED MARGINAL MEANS name mean CI_lower CI_upper N -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- oil +4.500 +4.313 +4.682 9 air +5.500 +5.309 +5.684 9
and the following figure
Figure 1 |
The following code
% Balanced two-way design (2x2). The data represents a study on the % effects of gender and alcohol alcohol consumption on attractiveness, % in Field (2004). % Perform factorial two-way ANOVA gender = {'f' 'f' 'f' 'f' 'f' 'f' 'f' 'f' 'm' 'm' 'm' 'm' 'm' 'm' 'm' 'm' ... 'f' 'f' 'f' 'f' 'f' 'f' 'f' 'f' 'm' 'm' 'm' 'm' 'm' 'm' 'm' 'm' ... 'f' 'f' 'f' 'f' 'f' 'f' 'f' 'f' 'm' 'm' 'm' 'm' 'm' 'm' 'm' 'm'}'; pints = [0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 ... 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4]'; score = [65 70 60 60 60 55 60 55 50 55 80 65 70 75 75 65 70 65 60 70 65 ... 60 60 50 45 60 85 65 70 70 80 60 55 65 70 55 55 60 50 50 30 30 ... 30 55 35 20 45 40]'; [STATS, BOOTSTAT, AOVSTAT] = bootlm (score, {gender, pints}, 'model', ... 'full', 'display', 'off', 'varnames', ... {'gender', 'score'}, 'seed', 1); fprintf ('ANOVA SUMMARY\n') for i = 1:numel(AOVSTAT.F) fprintf ('F(%u,%u) = %.2f, p = %.3g for the model: %s\n', ... AOVSTAT.DF(i), AOVSTAT.DFE, AOVSTAT.F(i), ... AOVSTAT.PVAL(i), AOVSTAT.MODEL{i}); end % There is a significant interaction so we shall get estimated marginal means % for all combinations of levels of both predictors STATS = bootlm (score, {gender, pints}, 'model', 'full', 'display', 'on', ... 'varnames', {'gender', 'score'}, 'seed', 1, ... 'dim', [1, 2], 'method', 'bayesian','prior', 'auto'); % Perform posthoc tests comparing the effect of gender on the attractiveness % score for each amount of alcohol consumed STATS = bootlm (score, {gender, pints}, 'model', 'full', 'display', 'on', ... 'varnames', {'gender', 'score'}, 'seed', 1, ... 'dim', [1, 2], 'posthoc', [1 2; 3 4; 5 6], ... 'alpha', [0.025, 0.975]); % Perform posthoc tests comparing the effect of drinking different amounts of % on the attractiveness score at each levels of gender STATS = bootlm (score, {gender, pints}, 'model', 'full', 'display', 'on', ... 'varnames', {'gender', 'score'}, 'seed', 1, ... 'dim', [1, 2], 'posthoc', [1 3; 3 5; 1 5; 2 4; 4 6; 2 6], ... 'alpha', [0.025, 0.975]);
Produces the following output
ANOVA SUMMARY F(1,42) = 2.03, p = 0.162 for the model: score ~ 1 + gender F(2,42) = 20.07, p = 0.0001 for the model: score ~ 1 + gender + score F(2,42) = 11.91, p = 0.0001 for the model: score ~ 1 + gender + score + gender:score MODEL FORMULA (based on Wilkinson's notation): score ~ 1 + gender + score + gender:score MODEL ESTIMATED MARGINAL MEANS name mean CI_lower CI_upper N -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- f, 0 +60.63 +57.41 +64.31 8 m, 0 +66.88 +59.70 +73.74 8 f, 2 +62.50 +57.82 +66.98 8 m, 2 +66.88 +57.88 +75.75 8 f, 4 +57.50 +53.03 +62.83 8 m, 4 +35.63 +28.28 +43.40 8 MODEL FORMULA (based on Wilkinson's notation): score ~ 1 + gender + score + gender:score MODEL POSTHOC COMPARISONS name mean CI_lower CI_upper p-adj -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- f, 0 - m, 0 -6.250 -15.29 +2.670 .291 f, 2 - m, 2 -4.375 -15.22 +6.147 .398 f, 4 - m, 4 +21.88 +12.20 +31.81 <.001 MODEL FORMULA (based on Wilkinson's notation): score ~ 1 + gender + score + gender:score MODEL POSTHOC COMPARISONS name mean CI_lower CI_upper p-adj -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- f, 0 - f, 2 -1.875 -8.048 +4.133 1.000 f, 2 - f, 4 +5.000 -2.170 +12.04 .638 f, 0 - f, 4 +3.125 -3.402 +9.507 .966 m, 0 - m, 2 +6.550e-15 -12.03 +11.70 1.000 m, 2 - m, 4 +31.25 +19.02 +43.41 <.001 m, 0 - m, 4 +31.25 +20.03 +41.98 <.001
and the following figure
Figure 1 |
The following code
% Unbalanced two-way design (2x2). The data is from a study on the effects % of gender and a college degree on starting salaries of a sample of company % employees, in Maxwell, Delaney and Kelly (2018): Chapter 7, Table 15. The % starting salaries are in units of 1000 dollars per annum. salary = [24 26 25 24 27 24 27 23 15 17 20 16, ... 25 29 27 19 18 21 20 21 22 19]'; gender = {'f' 'f' 'f' 'f' 'f' 'f' 'f' 'f' 'f' 'f' 'f' 'f'... 'm' 'm' 'm' 'm' 'm' 'm' 'm' 'm' 'm' 'm'}'; degree = [true true true true true true true true false false false false ... true true true false false false false false false false]'; % ANOVA (including the main effect of gender averaged over all levels of % degree). In this order, the variability in salary only attributed to % having a degree is tested first. Then, having accounted for any effect of % degree, we test for whether variability in salary attributed to gender is % significant. Finally, the interaction term tests whether the effect of % gender differs depending on whether the subjects have a degree or not. [STATS, BOOTSTAT, AOVSTAT] = bootlm (salary, {degree, gender}, 'model', ... 'full', 'display', 'off', 'varnames', ... {'degree', 'gender'}, 'seed', 1); fprintf ('ANOVA SUMMARY with gender averaged over levels of degree\n') for i = 1:numel(AOVSTAT.F) fprintf ('F(%u,%u) = %.2f, p = %.3g for the model: %s\n', ... AOVSTAT.DF(i), AOVSTAT.DFE, AOVSTAT.F(i), ... AOVSTAT.PVAL(i), AOVSTAT.MODEL{i}); end % Since the interaction is not significant (F(1,18) = 0.42, p = 0.567), we % draw our attention to the main effects. We see that employees in this % have significantly different starting salaries depending or not on whether % they have a degree (F(1,18) = 87.20, p < 0.001). We can also see that once % we factor in any differences in salary attributed to having a degree, % there is a significant difference in the salaries of men and women at % this company (F(1,18) = 10.97, p = 0.005). % ANOVA (including the main effect of degree averaged over all levels of % gender). In this order, the variability in salary only attributed to being % male or female is tested first. Then, having accounted for any effect of % gender, we test for whether variability in salary attributed to having a % degree is significant. Finally, the interaction term tests whether the % effect of having a degree or not differs depending on whether the subjects % are male or female. (Note that the result for the interaction is not % affected by the order of the predictors). [STATS, BOOTSTAT, AOVSTAT] = bootlm (salary, {gender, degree}, 'model', ... 'full', 'display', 'off', 'varnames', ... {'gender', 'degree'}, 'seed', 1); fprintf ('\nANOVA SUMMARY with degree averaged over levels of gender\n') for i = 1:numel(AOVSTAT.F) fprintf ('F(%u,%u) = %.2f, p = %.3g for the model: %s\n', ... AOVSTAT.DF(i), AOVSTAT.DFE, AOVSTAT.F(i), ... AOVSTAT.PVAL(i), AOVSTAT.MODEL{i}); end % We can now see in the output that there is no significant difference in % salary between men and women in this company! (F(1,18) = 0.11, p = 0.752). % Why the discrepancy? There still seems to be a significant effect of % having a degree on the salary of people in this company (F(1,18) = 98.06, % p < 0.001). Lets look at the regression coefficients to see what this % effect of degree is. STATS = bootlm (salary, {gender, degree}, 'model', 'full', ... 'display', 'on', 'varnames', ... {'gender', 'degree'}, 'method', 'bayesian', ... 'contrasts', 'treatment'); STATS.levels % The order of the factor levels for degree indicates that having a degree % (i.e. a code of 1) is listed first and therefore is the reference level % for our treatment contrast coding. We see then from the second regression % coefficient that starting salaries in this company are $8K lower for % employees without a college degree. Let's now take a look at the estimated % marginal means. STATS = bootlm (salary, {gender, degree}, 'model', 'full', ... 'display', 'on', 'varnames', ... {'gender', 'degree'}, 'dim', [1, 2], ... 'method', 'bayesian','prior', 'auto'); % Ah ha! So it seems that sample sizes are very unbalanced here, with most % of the women in this sample having a degree, while most of the men not. % Since the regression coefficient indicated that a high starting salary is % an outcome of having a degree, this observation likely explains why % salaries where not significantly different between men and women when we % ran the ANOVA with gender listed first in the model (i.e. not accounting % for whether employees had a college degree). Note that our inferences here % assume that the unbalanced samples sizes are representative of similar % imbalance in the company as a whole (i.e. the population). % Since the interaction term (F(1,18) = 0.42) was not significant (p > 0.1), % we might rather consider the hypotheses tested using type II sums-of- % squares without the interaction, which do not depend on the order and have % more power respectively. This is easy to achieve with only 2 predictors, % by repeating the 'bootlm' commands with different predictors added last to % the model (as above) but without any interaction (i.e. setting 'model', % 'linear'). We then take the statistics for the last main effect listed % in each of the ANOVA tables - these then correspond to the ANOVA test for % the respective predictor with type II sums-of-squares. For example: [~, ~, AOVSTAT1] = bootlm (salary, {degree, gender}, 'model', ... 'linear', 'display', 'off', 'varnames', ... {'degree', 'gender'}, 'seed', 1); fprintf ('\nANOVA SUMMARY (with type II sums-of-squares for main effects)\n') fprintf ('F(%u,%u) = %.2f, p = %.3g for the model: %s (gender)\n', ... AOVSTAT1.DF(2), AOVSTAT1.DFE, AOVSTAT1.F(2), ... AOVSTAT1.PVAL(2), AOVSTAT1.MODEL{2}); [~, ~, AOVSTAT2] = bootlm (salary, {gender, degree}, 'model', ... 'linear', 'display', 'off', 'varnames', ... {'gender', 'degree'}, 'seed', 1); fprintf ('F(%u,%u) = %.2f, p = %.3g for the model: %s (degree)\n', ... AOVSTAT2.DF(2), AOVSTAT2.DFE, AOVSTAT2.F(2), ... AOVSTAT2.PVAL(2), AOVSTAT2.MODEL{2}); % Here is the output from 'anovan' for comparison: % ANOVA TABLE (Type II sums-of-squares): % % Source Sum Sq. d.f. Mean Sq. R Sq. F Prob>F % -------------------------------------------------------------------------- % gender 30.462 1 30.462 0.373 11.31 .003 % degree 272.39 1 272.39 0.842 101.13 <.001 % Error 51.175 19 2.6934 % Total 323.86 21
Produces the following output
ANOVA SUMMARY with gender averaged over levels of degree F(1,18) = 87.20, p = 0.0001 for the model: salary ~ 1 + degree F(1,18) = 10.97, p = 0.00495 for the model: salary ~ 1 + degree + gender F(1,18) = 0.42, p = 0.567 for the model: salary ~ 1 + degree + gender + degree:gender ANOVA SUMMARY with degree averaged over levels of gender F(1,18) = 0.11, p = 0.752 for the model: salary ~ 1 + gender F(1,18) = 98.06, p = 0.0001 for the model: salary ~ 1 + gender + degree F(1,18) = 0.42, p = 0.567 for the model: salary ~ 1 + gender + degree + gender:degree MODEL FORMULA (based on Wilkinson's notation): salary ~ 1 + gender + degree + gender:degree MODEL COEFFICIENTS name coeff CI_lower CI_upper -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- (Intercept) +25.00 +24.11 +25.92 gender_1 +2.000 +0.2268 +3.812 degree_1 -8.000 -9.803 -6.046 gender:degree_1 +1.000 -1.649 +3.549 ans = { [1,1] = { [1,1] = f [2,1] = m } [2,1] = { [1,1] = 1 [2,1] = 0 } } MODEL FORMULA (based on Wilkinson's notation): salary ~ 1 + gender + degree + gender:degree MODEL ESTIMATED MARGINAL MEANS name mean CI_lower CI_upper N -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- f, 1 +25.00 +24.03 +26.07 8 m, 1 +27.00 +25.11 +29.00 3 f, 0 +17.00 +15.20 +19.22 4 m, 0 +20.00 +19.02 +21.03 7 ANOVA SUMMARY (with type II sums-of-squares for main effects) F(1,19) = 11.31, p = 0.00481 for the model: salary ~ 1 + degree + gender (gender) F(1,19) = 101.13, p = 0.0001 for the model: salary ~ 1 + gender + degree (degree)
and the following figure
Figure 1 |
The following code
% Simple linear regression. The data represents salaries of employees and % their years of experience, modified from Allena Venkata. The salaries are % in units of 1000 dollars per annum. years = [1.20 1.40 1.60 2.10 2.30 3.00 3.10 3.30 3.30 3.80 4.00 4.10 ... 4.10 4.20 4.60 5.00 5.20 5.40 6.00 6.10 6.90 7.20 8.00 8.30 ... 8.80 9.10 9.60 9.70 10.40 10.60]'; salary = [39 46 38 44 40 57 60 54 64 57 63 56 57 57 61 68 66 83 81 94 92 ... 98 101 114 109 106 117 113 122 122]'; STATS = bootlm (salary, years, 'model', 'linear', 'continuous', 1, ... 'display', 'on', 'varnames', 'years'); % We can see from the intercept that the starting starting salary is $24.8 K % and that salary increase per year of experience is $9.5 K.
Produces the following output
MODEL FORMULA (based on Wilkinson's notation): salary ~ 1 + years MODEL COEFFICIENTS name coeff CI_lower CI_upper p-val -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- (Intercept) +24.78 +20.44 +29.13 <.001 years +9.455 +8.843 +10.07 <.001
and the following figure
Figure 1 |
The following code
% One-way design with continuous covariate. The data is from a study of the % additive effects of species and temperature on chirpy pulses of crickets, % from Stitch, The Worst Stats Text eveR pulse = [67.9 65.1 77.3 78.7 79.4 80.4 85.8 86.6 87.5 89.1 ... 98.6 100.8 99.3 101.7 44.3 47.2 47.6 49.6 50.3 51.8 ... 60 58.5 58.9 60.7 69.8 70.9 76.2 76.1 77 77.7 84.7]'; temp = [20.8 20.8 24 24 24 24 26.2 26.2 26.2 26.2 28.4 ... 29 30.4 30.4 17.2 18.3 18.3 18.3 18.9 18.9 20.4 ... 21 21 22.1 23.5 24.2 25.9 26.5 26.5 26.5 28.6]'; species = {'ex' 'ex' 'ex' 'ex' 'ex' 'ex' 'ex' 'ex' 'ex' 'ex' 'ex' ... 'ex' 'ex' 'ex' 'niv' 'niv' 'niv' 'niv' 'niv' 'niv' 'niv' ... 'niv' 'niv' 'niv' 'niv' 'niv' 'niv' 'niv' 'niv' 'niv' 'niv'}; % Perform ANCOVA (type I sums-of-squares) % Use 'anova' contrasts so that the continuous covariate is centered [STATS, BOOTSTAT, AOVSTAT] = bootlm (pulse, {temp, species}, 'model', ... 'linear', 'continuous', 1, 'display', 'off', ... 'varnames', {'temp', 'species'}, ... 'contrasts', 'anova', 'seed', 1); fprintf ('\nANCOVA SUMMARY (with type I sums-of-squares)\n') for i = 1:numel(AOVSTAT.F) fprintf ('F(%u,%u) = %.2f, p = %.3g for the model: %s\n', ... AOVSTAT.DF(i), AOVSTAT.DFE, AOVSTAT.F(i), ... AOVSTAT.PVAL(i), AOVSTAT.MODEL{i}); end % Perform ANCOVA (type II sums-of-squares) % Use 'anova' contrasts so that the continuous covariate is centered [~, ~, AOVSTAT1] = bootlm (pulse, {temp, species}, 'model', ... 'linear', 'continuous', 1, 'display', 'off', ... 'varnames', {'temp', 'species'}, ... 'contrasts', 'anova', 'seed', 1); fprintf ('\nANOVA SUMMARY (with type II sums-of-squares)\n') fprintf ('F(%u,%u) = %.2f, p = %.3g for the model: %s (species)\n', ... AOVSTAT1.DF(2), AOVSTAT1.DFE, AOVSTAT1.F(2), ... AOVSTAT1.PVAL(2), AOVSTAT1.MODEL{2}); [~, ~, AOVSTAT2] = bootlm (pulse, {species, temp}, 'model', ... 'linear', 'continuous', 2, 'display', 'off', ... 'varnames', {'species', 'temp'}, ... 'contrasts', 'anova', 'seed', 1); fprintf ('F(%u,%u) = %.2f, p = %.3g for the model: %s (temp)\n', ... AOVSTAT2.DF(2), AOVSTAT2.DFE, AOVSTAT2.F(2), ... AOVSTAT2.PVAL(2), AOVSTAT2.MODEL{2}); % Estimate regression coefficients using 'anova' contrast coding STATS = bootlm (pulse, {temp, species}, 'model', 'linear', ... 'continuous', 1, 'display', 'on', ... 'varnames', {'temp', 'species'}, ... 'contrasts', 'anova'); % 95% confidence intervals and p-values for the differences in the mean of % chirpy pulses of ex ad niv species (computed by wild bootstrap). STATS = bootlm (pulse, {temp, species}, 'model', 'linear', ... 'continuous', 1, 'display', 'on', ... 'varnames', {'temp', 'species'}, 'dim', 2, ... 'posthoc', 'trt_vs_ctrl', 'contrasts', 'anova'); % 95% credible intervals for the estimated marginal means of chirpy pulses % of ex and niv species (computed by Bayesian bootstrap). STATS = bootlm (pulse, {temp, species}, 'model', 'linear', ... 'continuous', 1, 'display', 'on', ... 'varnames', {'temp', 'species'}, 'dim', 2, ... 'method', 'bayesian', 'prior', 'auto', ... 'contrasts', 'anova');
Produces the following output
ANCOVA SUMMARY (with type I sums-of-squares) F(1,28) = 2474.04, p = 0.0001 for the model: pulse ~ 1 + temp F(1,28) = 187.40, p = 0.0001 for the model: pulse ~ 1 + temp + species ANOVA SUMMARY (with type II sums-of-squares) F(1,28) = 187.40, p = 0.0001 for the model: pulse ~ 1 + temp + species (species) F(1,28) = 1371.35, p = 0.0001 for the model: pulse ~ 1 + species + temp (temp) MODEL FORMULA (based on Wilkinson's notation): pulse ~ 1 + temp + species MODEL COEFFICIENTS name coeff CI_lower CI_upper p-val -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- (Intercept) +73.37 +72.70 +74.05 <.001 temp +3.603 +3.407 +3.799 <.001 species_1 -10.07 -11.41 -8.725 <.001 MODEL FORMULA (based on Wilkinson's notation): pulse ~ 1 + temp + species MODEL POSTHOC COMPARISONS name mean CI_lower CI_upper p-adj -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- niv - ex -10.07 -11.41 -8.716 <.001 MODEL FORMULA (based on Wilkinson's notation): pulse ~ 1 + temp + species MODEL ESTIMATED MARGINAL MEANS name mean CI_lower CI_upper N -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ex +78.41 +77.43 +79.39 14 niv +68.34 +67.61 +69.17 17
and the following figure
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The following code
% Unbalanced three-way design (3x2x2). The data is from a study of the % effects of three different drugs, biofeedback and diet on patient blood % pressure, adapted* from Maxwell, Delaney and Kelly (2018): Ch 8, Table 12 drug = {'X' 'X' 'X' 'X' 'X' 'X' 'X' 'X' 'X' 'X' 'X' 'X' ... 'X' 'X' 'X' 'X' 'X' 'X' 'X' 'X' 'X' 'X' 'X' 'X'; 'Y' 'Y' 'Y' 'Y' 'Y' 'Y' 'Y' 'Y' 'Y' 'Y' 'Y' 'Y' ... 'Y' 'Y' 'Y' 'Y' 'Y' 'Y' 'Y' 'Y' 'Y' 'Y' 'Y' 'Y'; 'Z' 'Z' 'Z' 'Z' 'Z' 'Z' 'Z' 'Z' 'Z' 'Z' 'Z' 'Z' ... 'Z' 'Z' 'Z' 'Z' 'Z' 'Z' 'Z' 'Z' 'Z' 'Z' 'Z' 'Z'}; feedback = [1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0; 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0; 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0]; diet = [0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1; 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1; 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1]; BP = [170 175 165 180 160 158 161 173 157 152 181 190 ... 173 194 197 190 176 198 164 190 169 164 176 175; 186 194 201 215 219 209 164 166 159 182 187 174 ... 189 194 217 206 199 195 171 173 196 199 180 203; 180 187 199 170 204 194 162 184 183 156 180 173 ... 202 228 190 206 224 204 205 199 170 160 179 179]; % Perform 3-way ANOVA (this design is balanced, thus the order of predictors % does not make any difference) [STATS, BOOTSTAT, AOVSTAT] = bootlm (BP, {diet, drug, feedback}, 'seed', ... 1, 'model', 'full', 'display', 'off', ... 'varnames', {'diet', 'drug', 'feedback'}); fprintf ('ANOVA SUMMARY\n') for i = 1:numel(AOVSTAT.F) fprintf ('F(%u,%u) = %.2f, p = %.3g for the model: %s\n', ... AOVSTAT.DF(i), AOVSTAT.DFE, AOVSTAT.F(i), ... AOVSTAT.PVAL(i), AOVSTAT.MODEL{i}); end % Check regression coefficient corresponding to drug x feedback x diet STATS = bootlm (BP, {diet, drug, feedback}, 'model', 'full', ... 'display', 'on', ... 'varnames', {'diet', 'drug', 'feedback'}); % 95% confidence intervals and p-values for the differences in mean salary % between males and females (computed by wild bootstrap). STATS = bootlm (BP, {diet, drug, feedback}, 'model', 'full', ... 'display', 'on', 'dim', [1,2,3], ... 'posthoc', 'trt_vs_ctrl', ... 'varnames', {'diet', 'drug', 'feedback'}); % 95% credible intervals for the estimated marginal means of salaries of % females and males (computed by Bayesian bootstrap). STATS = bootlm (BP, {diet, drug, feedback}, 'model', 'full', ... 'display', 'on', 'dim', [1,2,3], ... 'method', 'bayesian', 'prior', 'auto', ... 'varnames', {'diet', 'drug', 'feedback'});
Produces the following output
ANOVA SUMMARY F(1,60) = 33.20, p = 0.0001 for the model: BP ~ 1 + diet F(2,60) = 11.73, p = 0.000179 for the model: BP ~ 1 + diet + drug F(1,60) = 13.07, p = 0.000561 for the model: BP ~ 1 + diet + drug + feedback F(2,60) = 2.88, p = 0.0628 for the model: BP ~ 1 + diet + drug + feedback + diet:drug F(1,60) = 0.20, p = 0.648 for the model: BP ~ 1 + diet + drug + feedback + diet:drug + diet:feedback F(2,60) = 0.83, p = 0.434 for the model: BP ~ 1 + diet + drug + feedback + diet:drug + diet:feedback + drug:feedback F(2,60) = 3.43, p = 0.0388 for the model: BP ~ 1 + diet + drug + feedback + diet:drug + diet:feedback + drug:feedback + diet:drug:feedback MODEL FORMULA (based on Wilkinson's notation): BP ~ 1 + diet + drug + feedback + diet:drug + diet:feedback + drug:feedback + diet:drug:feedback MODEL COEFFICIENTS name coeff CI_lower CI_upper p-val -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- (Intercept) +168.0 +157.9 +178.1 <.001 diet_1 +1.000 -15.70 +17.70 .883 drug_1 +36.00 +21.99 +50.01 <.001 drug_2 +21.00 +6.751 +35.25 .008 feedback_1 +20.00 +7.057 +32.94 .006 diet:drug_1 -33.00 -53.28 -12.72 .004 diet:drug_2 -17.00 -37.94 +3.936 .104 diet:feedback_1 -16.00 -35.17 +3.172 .095 drug:feedback_1 -24.00 -42.08 -5.922 .011 drug:feedback_2 -4.475e-14 -19.93 +19.93 1.000 diet:drug:feedback_1 +35.00 +7.926 +62.07 .013 diet:drug:feedback_2 +5.000 -24.39 +34.39 .737 MODEL FORMULA (based on Wilkinson's notation): BP ~ 1 + diet + drug + feedback + diet:drug + diet:feedback + drug:feedback + diet:drug:feedback MODEL POSTHOC COMPARISONS name mean CI_lower CI_upper p-adj -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1, X, 1 - 0, X, 1 +1.000 -15.45 +17.45 1.000 0, Y, 1 - 0, X, 1 +36.00 +21.52 +50.48 .002 1, Y, 1 - 0, X, 1 +4.000 -8.896 +16.90 1.000 0, Z, 1 - 0, X, 1 +21.00 +6.775 +35.22 .057 1, Z, 1 - 0, X, 1 +5.000 -8.547 +18.55 1.000 0, X, 0 - 0, X, 1 +20.00 +7.164 +32.84 .057 1, X, 0 - 0, X, 1 +5.000 -6.615 +16.62 1.000 0, Y, 0 - 0, X, 1 +32.00 +20.00 +44.00 .002 1, Y, 0 - 0, X, 1 +19.00 +2.687 +35.31 .190 0, Z, 0 - 0, X, 1 +41.00 +25.53 +56.47 .001 1, Z, 0 - 0, X, 1 +14.00 -4.969 +32.97 .603 MODEL FORMULA (based on Wilkinson's notation): BP ~ 1 + diet + drug + feedback + diet:drug + diet:feedback + drug:feedback + diet:drug:feedback MODEL ESTIMATED MARGINAL MEANS name mean CI_lower CI_upper N -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0, X, 1 +168.0 +161.3 +174.6 6 1, X, 1 +169.0 +158.0 +181.0 6 0, Y, 1 +204.0 +193.6 +213.5 6 1, Y, 1 +172.0 +163.9 +180.9 6 0, Z, 1 +189.0 +178.8 +198.8 6 1, Z, 1 +173.0 +163.5 +181.1 6 0, X, 0 +188.0 +179.6 +196.0 6 1, X, 0 +173.0 +165.7 +181.0 6 0, Y, 0 +200.0 +192.6 +208.4 6 1, Y, 0 +187.0 +176.1 +197.4 6 0, Z, 0 +209.0 +198.1 +220.9 6 1, Z, 0 +182.0 +169.3 +196.4 6
and the following figure
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% Factorial design with continuous covariate. The data is from a study of % the effects of treatment and exercise on stress reduction score after % adjusting for age. Data from R datarium package). score = [95.6 82.2 97.2 96.4 81.4 83.6 89.4 83.8 83.3 85.7 ... 97.2 78.2 78.9 91.8 86.9 84.1 88.6 89.8 87.3 85.4 ... 81.8 65.8 68.1 70.0 69.9 75.1 72.3 70.9 71.5 72.5 ... 84.9 96.1 94.6 82.5 90.7 87.0 86.8 93.3 87.6 92.4 ... 100. 80.5 92.9 84.0 88.4 91.1 85.7 91.3 92.3 87.9 ... 91.7 88.6 75.8 75.7 75.3 82.4 80.1 86.0 81.8 82.5]'; treatment = {'yes' 'yes' 'yes' 'yes' 'yes' 'yes' 'yes' 'yes' 'yes' 'yes' ... 'yes' 'yes' 'yes' 'yes' 'yes' 'yes' 'yes' 'yes' 'yes' 'yes' ... 'yes' 'yes' 'yes' 'yes' 'yes' 'yes' 'yes' 'yes' 'yes' 'yes' ... 'no' 'no' 'no' 'no' 'no' 'no' 'no' 'no' 'no' 'no' ... 'no' 'no' 'no' 'no' 'no' 'no' 'no' 'no' 'no' 'no' ... 'no' 'no' 'no' 'no' 'no' 'no' 'no' 'no' 'no' 'no'}'; exercise = {'lo' 'lo' 'lo' 'lo' 'lo' 'lo' 'lo' 'lo' 'lo' 'lo' ... 'mid' 'mid' 'mid' 'mid' 'mid' 'mid' 'mid' 'mid' 'mid' 'mid' ... 'hi' 'hi' 'hi' 'hi' 'hi' 'hi' 'hi' 'hi' 'hi' 'hi' ... 'lo' 'lo' 'lo' 'lo' 'lo' 'lo' 'lo' 'lo' 'lo' 'lo' ... 'mid' 'mid' 'mid' 'mid' 'mid' 'mid' 'mid' 'mid' 'mid' 'mid' ... 'hi' 'hi' 'hi' 'hi' 'hi' 'hi' 'hi' 'hi' 'hi' 'hi'}'; age = [59 65 70 66 61 65 57 61 58 55 62 61 60 59 55 57 60 63 62 57 ... 58 56 57 59 59 60 55 53 55 58 68 62 61 54 59 63 60 67 60 67 ... 75 54 57 62 65 60 58 61 65 57 56 58 58 58 52 53 60 62 61 61]'; % ANOVA/ANCOVA statistics % Use 'anova' contrasts so that the continuous covariate is centered [STATS, BOOTSTAT, AOVSTAT] = bootlm (score, {age, exercise, treatment}, ... 'model', [1 0 0; 0 1 0; 0 0 1; 0 1 1], ... 'continuous', 1, 'display', 'off', ... 'varnames', {'age', 'exercise', 'treatment'},... 'contrasts', 'anova'); fprintf ('ANOVA / ANCOVA SUMMARY\n') for i = 1:numel(AOVSTAT.F) fprintf ('F(%u,%u) = %.2f, p = %.3g for the model: %s\n', ... AOVSTAT.DF(i), AOVSTAT.DFE, AOVSTAT.F(i), ... AOVSTAT.PVAL(i), AOVSTAT.MODEL{i}); end % Estimate regression coefficients STATS = bootlm (score, {age, exercise, treatment}, ... 'model', [1 0 0; 0 1 0; 0 0 1; 0 1 1], ... 'continuous', 1, 'display', 'on', ... 'varnames', {'age', 'exercise', 'treatment'}, ... 'contrasts', 'anova'); % 95% confidence intervals and p-values for the differences in mean score % across different treatments and amounts of exercise after adjusting for STATS = bootlm (score, {age, exercise, treatment}, ... 'model', [1 0 0; 0 1 0; 0 0 1; 0 1 1], ... 'continuous', 1, 'display', 'on', ... 'varnames', {'age', 'exercise', 'treatment'}, ... 'dim', [2, 3], 'posthoc', 'trt_vs_ctrl', ... 'contrasts', 'anova'); % 95% credible intervals for the estimated marginal means of scores across % different treatments and amounts of exercise after adjusting for age % (computed by Bayesian bootstrap). STATS = bootlm (score, {age, exercise, treatment}, 'dim', [2, 3], ... 'model', [1 0 0; 0 1 0; 0 0 1; 0 1 1], ... 'continuous', 1, 'display', 'on', ... 'varnames', {'age', 'exercise', 'treatment'}, ... 'method', 'bayesian', 'prior', 'auto', ... 'contrasts', 'anova');
Produces the following output
ANOVA / ANCOVA SUMMARY F(1,53) = 44.02, p = 0.0001 for the model: score ~ 1 + age F(2,53) = 19.74, p = 0.0001 for the model: score ~ 1 + age + exercise F(1,53) = 11.10, p = 0.00222 for the model: score ~ 1 + age + exercise + treatment F(2,53) = 4.45, p = 0.0147 for the model: score ~ 1 + age + exercise + treatment + exercise:treatment MODEL FORMULA (based on Wilkinson's notation): score ~ 1 + age + exercise + treatment + exercise:treatment MODEL COEFFICIENTS name coeff CI_lower CI_upper p-val -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- (Intercept) +84.58 +83.29 +85.86 <.001 age +0.5036 +0.1874 +0.8197 .003 exercise_1 +0.09497 -3.118 +3.308 .955 exercise_2 -9.594 -12.82 -6.364 <.001 treatment_1 +4.320 +1.715 +6.924 .002 exercise:treatment_1 +0.1550 -6.387 +6.697 .961 exercise:treatment_2 +8.218 +1.728 +14.71 .014 MODEL FORMULA (based on Wilkinson's notation): score ~ 1 + age + exercise + treatment + exercise:treatment MODEL POSTHOC COMPARISONS name mean CI_lower CI_upper p-adj -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- mid, yes - lo, yes +0.01746 -5.617 +5.652 1.000 hi, yes - lo, yes -13.70 -18.46 -8.949 <.001 lo, no - lo, yes +1.529 -3.395 +6.452 1.000 mid, no - lo, yes +1.701 -3.195 +6.597 1.000 hi, no - lo, yes -3.957 -9.130 +1.217 .502 MODEL FORMULA (based on Wilkinson's notation): score ~ 1 + age + exercise + treatment + exercise:treatment MODEL ESTIMATED MARGINAL MEANS name mean CI_lower CI_upper N -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- lo, yes +86.98 +83.41 +90.50 10 mid, yes +87.00 +83.28 +90.37 10 hi, yes +73.28 +70.48 +76.11 10 lo, no +88.51 +86.06 +91.44 10 mid, no +88.68 +86.27 +91.09 10 hi, no +83.02 +79.72 +86.48 10
and the following figure
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The following code
% Unbalanced one-way design with custom, orthogonal contrasts. Data from % dv = [ 8.706 10.362 11.552 6.941 10.983 10.092 6.421 14.943 15.931 ... 22.968 18.590 16.567 15.944 21.637 14.492 17.965 18.851 22.891 ... 22.028 16.884 17.252 18.325 25.435 19.141 21.238 22.196 18.038 ... 22.628 31.163 26.053 24.419 32.145 28.966 30.207 29.142 33.212 ... 25.694 ]'; g = [1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 ... 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5]'; C = [ 0.4001601 0.3333333 0.5 0.0 0.4001601 0.3333333 -0.5 0.0 0.4001601 -0.6666667 0.0 0.0 -0.6002401 0.0000000 0.0 0.5 -0.6002401 0.0000000 0.0 -0.5]; % 95% confidence intervals and p-values for linear contrasts STATS = bootlm (dv, g, 'contrasts', C, 'varnames', 'score', ... 'alpha', 0.05, 'display', true); % 95% credible intervals for estimated marginal means STATS = bootlm (dv, g, 'contrasts', C, 'varnames', 'score', ... 'alpha', 0.05, 'display', true, 'dim', 1, ... 'method', 'Bayesian', 'prior', 'auto');
Produces the following output
MODEL FORMULA (based on Wilkinson's notation): dv ~ 1 + score MODEL COEFFICIENTS name coeff CI_lower CI_upper p-val -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- (Intercept) +19.40 +18.42 +20.38 <.001 score_1 -9.330 -11.30 -7.359 <.001 score_2 -5.000 -7.877 -2.123 .002 score_3 -8.000 -11.50 -4.500 <.001 score_4 -8.000 -11.04 -4.958 <.001 MODEL FORMULA (based on Wilkinson's notation): dv ~ 1 + score MODEL ESTIMATED MARGINAL MEANS name mean CI_lower CI_upper N -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 +10.00 +8.169 +11.90 8 2 +18.00 +16.01 +20.71 5 3 +19.00 +17.02 +21.06 8 4 +21.00 +19.01 +22.93 7 5 +29.00 +26.94 +30.90 9
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The following code
% Analysis of nested one-way ANOVA design using clustered resampling. % % While the effect of nesting is minimal on parameter estimates, it can have % a big effect on standard errors, confidence intervals and p-values for the % parameters. One way to estimate p-values and the precision of parameter % estimates for fixed effects in nested designs is to fit a mixed linear % model. Another way, as we do so here, is to fit a linear model using % bootstrap with clustered resampling. % Nested model example from: % data = [4.5924 7.3809 21.322; -0.5488 9.2085 25.0426; ... 6.1605 13.1147 22.66; 2.3374 15.2654 24.1283; ... 5.1873 12.4188 16.5927; 3.3579 14.3951 10.2129; ... 6.3092 8.5986 9.8934; 3.2831 3.4945 10.0203]; clustid = [1 3 5; 1 3 5; 1 3 5; 1 3 5; ... 2 4 6; 2 4 6; 2 4 6; 2 4 6]; group = {'A' 'B' 'C'; 'A' 'B' 'C'; 'A' 'B' 'C'; 'A' 'B' 'C'; ... 'A' 'B' 'C'; 'A' 'B' 'C'; 'A' 'B' 'C'; 'A' 'B' 'C'}; [STATS, BOOTSTAT, AOVSTAT] = bootlm (data, {group}, 'clustid', clustid, ... 'seed', 1, 'display', 'off'); fprintf ('ANOVA SUMMARY\n') fprintf ('F(%u,%u) = %.2f, p = %.3g for the model: %s\n', ... AOVSTAT.DF(1), AOVSTAT.DFE, AOVSTAT.F(1), ... AOVSTAT.PVAL(1), AOVSTAT.MODEL{1});
Produces the following output
ANOVA SUMMARY F(2,21) = 17.08, p = 0.018 for the model: data ~ 1 + X1
The following code
% Prediction errors and information criteria of linear models. % Data from Table 9.1, on page 107 of Efron and Tibshirani (1993) % An Introduction to the Bootstrap. amount = [25.8; 20.5; 14.3; 23.2; 20.6; 31.1; 20.9; 20.9; 30.4; ... 16.3; 11.6; 11.8; 32.5; 32.0; 18.0; 24.1; 26.5; 25.8; ... 28.8; 22.0; 29.7; 28.9; 32.8; 32.5; 25.4; 31.7; 28.5]; hrs = [99; 152; 293; 155; 196; 53; 184; 171; 52; ... 376; 385; 402; 29; 76; 296; 151; 177; 209; ... 119; 188; 115; 88; 58; 49; 150; 107; 125]; lot = {'A'; 'A'; 'A'; 'A'; 'A'; 'A'; 'A'; 'A'; 'A'; ... 'B'; 'B'; 'B'; 'B'; 'B'; 'B'; 'B'; 'B'; 'B'; ... 'C'; 'C'; 'C'; 'C'; 'C'; 'C'; 'C'; 'C'; 'C'}; [STATS, BOOTSTAT, AOVSTAT, PRED_ERR] = bootlm (amount, {hrs, lot}, ... 'continuous', 1, 'seed', 1, ... 'model', 'linear', 'display', 'on', ... 'varnames', {'hrs', 'lot'}, ... 'contrasts', 'treatment'); fprintf ('PREDICTION ERROR of the FULL MODEL = %.2f\n', PRED_ERR.PE(3)) % Note: The value of prediction error is lower than the 3.00 calculated by % Efron and Tibhirani (1993) using the same refined bootstrap procedure, % because they have used case resampling whereas we have used wild bootstrap % resampling. The equivalent value of Cp (eq. to AIC) statistic is 2.96. PRED_ERR % The results from the bootstrap are broadly consistent to the results % obtained for Akaike's Information Criterion (AIC, computed in R with the % AIC function from the 'stats' package): % % MODEL AIC EIC % amount ~ 1 180.17 178.41 % amount ~ 1 + hrs 127.33 125.00 % amount ~ 1 + hrs + lot 107.85 106.36
Produces the following output
MODEL FORMULA (based on Wilkinson's notation): amount ~ 1 + hrs + lot MODEL COEFFICIENTS name coeff CI_lower CI_upper p-val -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- (Intercept) +32.13 +30.27 +34.00 <.001 hrs -0.06014 -0.06841 -0.05186 <.001 lot_1 +3.973 +2.172 +5.775 <.001 lot_2 +3.466 +1.962 +4.970 <.001 PREDICTION ERROR of the FULL MODEL = 2.86 PRED_ERR = scalar structure containing the fields: MODEL = { [1,1] = amount ~ 1 [2,1] = amount ~ 1 + hrs [3,1] = amount ~ 1 + hrs + lot } PE = 42.937 5.9086 2.8582 PRESS = 1159.3 159.53 77.171 RSQ_pred = -0.075489 0.852 0.92841 EIC = 178.41 125 106.36 RL = 1 3.968e+11 4.4286e+15 Wt = 2.2578e-16 8.9592e-05 0.99991
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Figure 1 |
The following code
% Step-wise regression sr = [11.43;12.07;13.17;05.75;12.88;08.79;00.60;11.90; ... 04.98;10.78;16.85;03.59;11.24;12.64;12.55;10.67; ... 03.01;07.70;01.27;09.00;11.34;14.28;21.10;03.98; ... 10.35;15.48;10.25;14.65;10.67;07.30;04.44;02.02; ... 12.70;12.78;12.49;11.14;13.30;11.77;06.86;14.13; ... 05.13;02.81;07.81;07.56;09.22;18.56;07.72;09.24; ... 08.89;4.71]; pop15 = [29.35;23.32;23.80;41.89;42.19;31.72;39.74;44.75; 46.64;47.64;24.42;46.31;27.84;25.06;23.31;25.62; 46.05;47.32;34.03;41.31;31.16;24.52;27.01;41.74; 21.80;32.54;25.95;24.71;32.61;45.04;43.56;41.18; 44.19;46.26;28.96;31.94;31.92;27.74;21.44;23.49; 43.42;46.12;23.27;29.81;46.40;45.25;41.12;28.13; 43.69;47.20]; pop75 = [2.87;4.41;4.43;1.67;0.83;2.85;1.34;0.67; ... 1.06;1.14;3.93;1.19;2.37;4.70;3.35;3.10; ... 0.87;0.58;3.08;0.96;4.19;3.48;1.91;0.91; ... 3.73;2.47;3.67;3.25;3.17;1.21;1.20;1.05; ... 1.28;1.12;2.85;2.28;1.52;2.87;4.54;3.73; ... 1.08;1.21;4.46;3.43;0.90;0.56;1.73;2.72; ... 2.07;0.66]; dpi = [2329.68;1507.99;2108.47;0189.13;0728.47;2982.88;0662.86;0289.52; ... 0276.65;0471.24;2496.53;0287.77;1681.25;2213.82;2457.12;0870.85; ... 0289.71;0232.44;1900.10;0088.94;1139.95;1390.00;1257.28;0207.68; ... 2449.39;0601.05;2231.03;1740.70;1487.52;0325.54;0568.56;0220.56; ... 0400.06;0152.01;0579.51;0651.11;0250.96;0768.79;3299.49;2630.96; ... 0389.66;0249.87;1813.93;4001.89;0813.39;0138.33;0380.47;0766.54; ... 0123.58;0242.69]; ddpi = [02.87;03.93;03.82;00.22;04.56;02.43;02.67;06.51; 03.08;02.80;03.99;02.19;04.32;04.52;03.44;06.28; 01.48;03.19;01.12;01.54;02.99;03.54;08.21;05.81; 01.57;08.12;03.62;07.66;01.76;02.48;03.61;01.03; 00.67;02.00;07.48;02.19;02.00;04.35;03.01;02.70; 02.96;01.13;02.01;02.45;00.53;05.14;10.23;01.88; 16.71;05.08]; [STATS, BOOTSTAT, AOVSTAT, PRED_ERR] = bootlm (sr, {pop15, pop75, ... dpi, ddpi}, 'seed', 1, 'continuous', [1:4], ... 'model', 'linear', 'display', 'off', ... 'varnames', {'pop15','pop75','dpi','ddpi'}, 'contrasts', 'treatment'); PRED_ERR % The results from the bootstrap are broadly consistent to the results % obtained for PE, PRESS and RSQ_pred using cross-validation: % % MODEL PE-CV PRESS-CV RSQ_pred-CV % sr ~ 1 20.48 1024.186 -0.041 % sr ~ 1 + pop15 16.88 843.910 +0.142 % sr ~ 1 + pop15 + pop75 16.62 830.879 +0.155 % sr ~ 1 + pop15 + pop75 + dpi 16.54 827.168 +0.159 % sr ~ 1 + pop15 + pop75 + dpi + ddpi 15.98 798.939 +0.188 % ANOVA p-values of the nested models AOVSTAT.PVAL % Relative likelihood of the nested models PRED_ERR.RL(2:end) ./ PRED_ERR.RL(1:end-1)
Produces the following output
PRED_ERR = scalar structure containing the fields: MODEL = { [1,1] = sr ~ 1 [2,1] = sr ~ 1 + pop15 [3,1] = sr ~ 1 + pop15 + pop75 [4,1] = sr ~ 1 + pop15 + pop75 + dpi [5,1] = sr ~ 1 + pop15 + pop75 + dpi + ddpi } PE = 20.477 16.8 16.34 16.22 15.191 PRESS = 1023.8 840 817.01 811.02 759.53 RSQ_pred = -0.040869 0.14602 0.16939 0.17548 0.22783 EIC = 293.13 283.41 282.22 281.92 278.87 RL = 1 129.42 234.65 271.81 1254.4 Wt = 0.00052875 0.068431 0.12407 0.14372 0.66325 ans = 0.00047443 0.060263 0.11655 0.022759 ans = 129.42 1.8131 1.1583 4.6149
Package: statistics-resampling