
 Performs a permutation or randomization test to compare the distributions of 
 two independent or paired data samples. 

 -- Function File: PVAL = randtest2 (A, B)
 -- Function File: PVAL = randtest2 (A, B, PAIRED)
 -- Function File: PVAL = randtest2 (A, B, PAIRED, NREPS)
 -- Function File: PVAL = randtest2 (A, B, PAIRED, NREPS)
 -- Function File: PVAL = randtest2 (A, B, PAIRED, NREPS, FUNC)
 -- Function File: PVAL = randtest2 (A, B, PAIRED, NREPS, FUNC, SEED)
 -- Function File: PVAL = randtest2 ([A, GA], [B, GB], ...)
 -- Function File: [PVAL, STAT] = randtest2 (...)
 -- Function File: [PVAL, STAT, FPR] = randtest2 (...)
 -- Function File: [PVAL, STAT, FPR, PERMSTAT] = randtest2 (...)

     'PVAL = randtest2 (A, B)' performs a randomization (or permutation) test
     to ascertain whether data samples A and B come from populations with
     the same distribution. Distributions are compared using the Wasserstein
     metric [1,2], which is the area of the difference between the empirical
     cumulative distribution functions of A and B. The data in A and B should
     be column vectors that represent measurements of the same variable. The
     value returned is a 2-tailed p-value against the null hypothesis computed
     using the absolute values of the test statistics.

     'PVAL = randtest2 (A, B, PAIRED)' specifies whether A and B should be
     treated as independent (unpaired) or paired samples. PAIRED accepts a
     logical scalar:
        o false (default): As above. The rows of samples A and B combined are
                permuted or randomized.
        o true: Performs a randomization or permutation test to ascertain
                whether paired or matched data samples A and B come from
                populations with the same distribution. The vectors A and B
                must each contain the same number of rows, where each row
                across A and B corresponds to a pair of matched observations.
                Within each pair, the allocation of data to samples A or B is
                permuted or randomized [3].

     'PVAL = randtest2 (A, B, PAIRED, NREPS)' specifies the number of resamples
     without replacement to take in the randomization test. By default, NREPS
     is 5000. If the number of possible permutations is smaller than NREPS, the
     test becomes exact. For example, if the number of sampling units across
     two independent samples is 6, then the number of possible permutations is
     factorial (6) = 720, so NREPS will be truncated at 720 and sampling will
     systematically evaluate all possible permutations. If the number of
     sampling units in each paired sample is 12, then the number of possible
     permutations is 2^12 = 4096, so NREPS will be truncated at 4096 and
     sampling will systematically evaluate all possible permutations. 

     'PVAL = randtest2 (A, B, PAIRED, NREPS, FUNC)' also specifies a custom
     function calculated on the original samples, and the permuted or
     randomized resamples. Note that FUNC must compute a difference statistic
     between samples A and B, and should either be a:
        o function handle or anonymous function,
        o string of function name, or
        o a cell array where the first cell is one of the above function
          definitions and the remaining cells are (additional) input arguments 
          to that function (other than the data arguments).
        See the built-in demos for example usage with the mean [3], or vaiance.

     'PVAL = randtest2 (A, B, PAIRED, NREPS, FUNC, SEED)' initialises the
     Mersenne Twister random number generator using an integer SEED value so
     that the results of 'randtest2' results are reproducible when the test
     is approximate (i.e. when using randomization if not all permutations
     can be evaluated systematically).

     'PVAL = randtest2 ([A, GA], [B, GB], ...)' also specifies the sampling
     units (i.e. clusters) using consecutive positive integers in GA and GB
     for A and B respectively. Defining the sampling units has applications
     for clustered resampling, for example in the cases of nested experimental 
     designs. If PAIRED is false, numeric identifiers in GA and GB must be
     unique (e.g. 1,2,3 in GA, 4,5,6 in GB) - resampling of clusters then
     occurs across the combined sample of A and B. If PAIRED is true, numeric
     identifiers in GA and GB must by identical (e.g. 1,2,3 in GA, 1,2,3 in
     GB) - resampling is then restricted to exchange of clusters between A 
     and B only where the clusters have the same identifier. Note that when
     sampling units contain different numbers of values, function evaluations
     after sampling cannot be vectorized. If the parallel computing toolbox
     (Matlab) or Parallel package (Octave) is installed and loaded, then the
     function evaluations will be automatically accelerated by parallel
     processing on platforms with multiple processors.

     '[PVAL, STAT] = randtest2 (...)' also returns the test statistic.

     '[PVAL, STAT, FPR] = randtest2 (...)' also returns the minimum false
     positive risk (FPR) calculated for the p-value, computed using the
     Sellke-Berger approach.

     '[PVAL, STAT, FPR, PERMSTAT] = randtest2 (...)' also returns the
     statistics of the permutation distribution.

  [1] Dowd (2020) A New ECDF Two-Sample Test Statistic. arXiv.
  [2] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wasserstein_metric
  [3] Hesterberg, Moore, Monaghan, Clipson, and Epstein (2011) Bootstrap
       Methods and Permutation Tests (BMPT) by in Introduction to the Practice
       of Statistics, 7th Edition by Moore, McCabe and Craig.

  randtest2 (version 2024.04.17)
  Author: Andrew Charles Penn

  Copyright 2019 Andrew Charles Penn
  This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
  the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
  (at your option) any later version.

  This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
  GNU General Public License for more details.

  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
  along with this program.  If not, see http://www.gnu.org/licenses/

Demonstration 1

The following code

 % Mouse data from Table 2 (page 11) of Efron and Tibshirani (1993)
 treatment = [94 197 16 38 99 141 23]';
 control = [52 104 146 10 51 30 40 27 46]';

 % Randomization test comparing the distributions of observations from two
 % independent samples (assuming i.i.d and exchangeability) using the
 % Wasserstein metric
 pval = randtest2 (control, treatment, false, 5000)

 % Randomization test comparing the difference in means between two
 % independent samples (assuming i.i.d and exchangeability) 
 pval = randtest2 (control, treatment, false, 5000, ...
                           @(A, B) mean (A) - mean (B))

 % Randomization test comparing the ratio of variances between two
 % independent samples (assuming i.i.d and exchangeability). (Note that
 % the log transformation is necessary to make the p-value two-tailed)
 pval = randtest2 (control, treatment, false, 5000, ...
                           @(A, B) log (var (A) ./ var (B)))

Produces the following output

pval = 0.3668
pval = 0.2698
pval = 0.30905

Demonstration 2

The following code

 % Example data from: 
 % https://www.biostat.wisc.edu/~kbroman/teaching/labstat/third/notes18.pdf
 A = [117.3 100.1 94.5 135.5 92.9 118.9 144.8 103.9 103.8 153.6 163.1]';
 B = [145.9 94.8 108 122.6 130.2 143.9 149.9 138.5 91.7 162.6 202.5]';

 % Randomization test comparing the distributions of observations from two
 % paired or matching samples (assuming i.i.d and exchangeability) using the
 % Wasserstein metric
 pval = randtest2 (A, B, true, 5000)

 % Randomization test comparing the difference in means between two
 % paired or matching samples (assuming i.i.d and exchangeability) 
 pval = randtest2 (A, B, true, 5000, @(A, B) mean (A) - mean (B), 1)
 % Note that this is equivalent to:
 pval = randtest1 (A - B, 0, 5000, @mean, 1)

 % Randomization test comparing the ratio of variances between two
 % paired or matching samples (assuming i.i.d and exchangeability). (Note
 % that the log transformation is necessary to make the p-value two-tailed)
 pval = randtest2 (A, B, true, 5000, @(A, B) log (var (A) ./ var (B)))

Produces the following output

pval = 0.12891
pval = 0.037109
pval = 0.037109
pval = 0.51172

Demonstration 3

The following code

 A = [21,26,33,22,18,25,26,24,21,25,35,28,32,36,38]';
 GA = [1,1,1,1,2,2,2,2,2,2,3,3,3,3,3]';
 B = [26,34,27,38,44,34,45,38,31,41,34,35,38,46]';
 GB = [4,4,4,5,5,5,5,5,6,6,6,6,6,6]';

 % Randomization test comparing the distributions of observations from two
 % independent samples (assuming i.i.d) using the Wasserstein metric
 pval = randtest2 (A, B, false, 5000)

 % Randomization test comparing the distributions of clustered observations
 % from two independent samples using the Wasserstein metric
 pval = randtest2 ([A GA], [B GB], false, 5000)

Produces the following output

pval = 0.00042414
pval =   0.2

Demonstration 4

The following code

 A = [21,26,33,22,18,25,26,24,21,25,35,28,32,36,38]';
 GA = [1,1,1,1,2,2,2,2,2,2,3,3,3,3,3]';
 B = [26,34,27,38,44,34,45,38,31,41,34,35,38,46,36]';
 GB = [1,1,1,1,2,2,2,2,2,2,3,3,3,3,3]';

 % Randomization test comparing the distributions of observations from two
 % paired or matched samples (assuming i.i.d) using the Wasserstein metric
 pval = randtest2 (A, B, true, 5000)

 % Randomization test comparing the distributions of clustered observations
 % from two paired or matched using the Wasserstein metric
 pval = randtest2 ([A GA], [B GB], true, 5000)

Produces the following output

pval = 0.0024
pval =  0.25

Demonstration 5

The following code

 % Load example data from CSV file
 data = csvread ('demo_data.csv');
 trt = data(:,1); % Predictor: 0 = no treatment; 1 = treatment
 grp = data(:,2); % Cluster IDs
 val = data(:,3); % Values measured of the outcome
 A = val(trt==0); GA = grp(trt==0);
 B = val(trt==1); GB = grp(trt==1);

 % Randomization test comparing the distributions of clustered observations
 % from two independent samples using the Wasserstein metric
 pval = randtest2([A, GA], [B, GB], false)

Produces the following output

pval = 0.0694

Package: statistics-resampling