Arduino Toolkit - scanForArduinos

: retval = scanForArduinos ()
: retval = scanForArduinos (maxCount)
: retval = scanForArduinos ("debug")
: retval = scanForArduinos (maxCount, type)
: retval = scanForArduinos (propertyname, propertvalue ...)

Scan system for programmed serial connected arduino boards.

scanForArduinos will scan the system for programmed arduino boards and return at most maxCount of them as a cell array in retval.


maxCount - max number of arduino boards to detect. if maxCount is not specified, or is a less than 1, the function will return as many arduino boards as it can detect.

type - optional board type to match. If specified, the board type must match for the arduino to be added to the return list.

"debug" - if single input parameter is "debug", the scanForArduinos will display debug information as it scans all available ports for arduinos.

propertyname, propertyvalue - property name/value pairs to match search with.


Numeric BaudRate to use when trying to scan for arduinos.


Max number of arduinos to scan for.


Boardtype to match.


Logical flag for debug mode.


retval structure cell array of matching detected arduino boards.

Each cell value of the cell array will contain a structure with values of:


the serial port the arduino is connected to


the board type of the arduino

See also: arduino.