Arduino Toolkit - Functions
The following functions are available:
General Functions
arduinosetup | Open the arduino config / programming tool to program the arduino hardware fo... |
isarduino | Check if input value is an arduino object |
listArduinoLibraries | Retrieve list of all known arduino library modules that are available. |
scanForArduinos | Scan system for programmed serial connected arduino boards. |
Arduino Functions
@arduino/checkI2CAddress | Check that an address of given address responds on the I2C bus |
@arduino/configurePin | Set/Get pin mode for a specified pin on arduino connection. |
@arduino/configurePinResource | Set/Get pin mode for a specified pin on arduino connection. |
@arduino/decrementResourceCount | Decrement the count of a named resource by 1 and return the new count. |
@arduino/delete | Free resources of an arduino object. |
@arduino/disp | Display the arduino object in a verbose way, showing the board and available ... |
@arduino/getEndian | Get the endian used by the connected arduino. |
@arduino/getI2CTerminals | Get a cell list of pin Ids available are used for I2C mode. |
@arduino/getInterruptTerminals | Get a cell list of pin Ids available have interrupt functionality |
@arduino/getLEDTerminals | Get a cell list of pin Ids available are connected natively to LEDs. |
@arduino/getMCU | Get the MCU used by the connected arduino. |
@arduino/getPWMTerminals | Get a cell list of pin Ids available for PWM use. |
@arduino/getPinAlias | Get the pin actual pin name from a pin alias. |
@arduino/getPinInfo | Get the pin information from the input pins values. |
@arduino/getPinsFromTerminals | Get the pin names from the input terminal values. |
@arduino/getResourceCount | Get the count of uses of a given resource. |
@arduino/getResourceOwner | Get the owner of pin allocated previously by configurePinResource. |
@arduino/getSPITerminals | Get a cell list of pin Ids available for SPI mode. |
@arduino/getServoTerminals | Get a cell list of pin Ids available for servo use. |
@arduino/getSharedResourceProperty | Get the value of a property from a given resource. |
@arduino/getTerminalMode | Get the mode of a pin allocated previously by configurePinResource. |
@arduino/getTerminalsFromPins | Get the terminal number for each pin. |
@arduino/incrementResourceCount | Increment the count value of a named resource by 1 and return the new count |
@arduino/isTerminalAnalog | Return true if pin is capable of analog input |
@arduino/isTerminalDigital | Return true if pin is capable of digital functions |
@arduino/playTone | Play a tone of a given frequency on a specified pin. |
@arduino/readAnalogPin | Read analog voltage of PIN. |
@arduino/readDigitalPin | Read digital value from a digital I/O pin. |
@arduino/readVoltage | Read analog voltage of a pin. |
@arduino/reset | Send reset command to arduino hardware to force a hardware reset. |
@arduino/sendCommand | Send a command with option data to the connected arduino, waiting up to a spe... |
@arduino/setSharedResourceProperty | Set property values for a given resource. |
@arduino/uptime | Get the number of seconds the arduino board has been running concurrently. |
@arduino/validatePin | Validate that the mode is allowed for specified pin |
@arduino/version | Get version of library code installed on arduino board |
@arduino/writeDigitalPin | Write digital value to a digital I/O pin. |
@arduino/writePWMDutyCycle | Set pin to output a square wave with a specified duty cycle. |
@arduino/writePWMVoltage | Emulate an approximate voltage out of a pin using PWM. |
@arduino/arduino | Create a arduino object with a connection to an arduino board. |
Arduino I2C Functions
scanI2Cbus | Scan arduino for devices on the I2C bus. |
@i2cdev/delete | Free resources of a i2cdev object. |
@i2cdev/disp | Display i2cdev object. |
@i2cdev/read | Read a specified number of bytes from a i2cdev object using optional precisio... |
@i2cdev/readRegister | Read a specified number of bytes from a register of an i2cdev object using op... |
@i2cdev/subsref | subref for i2cdev |
@i2cdev/write | Write data to a i2cdev object using optional precision for the data byte used... |
@i2cdev/writeRegister | Write data to i2cdev object at a given registry position using optional preci... |
@i2cdev/i2cdev | ‘i2cdev’ is depreciated and will be removed in a future version. |
@device/delete | Free resources of a device object. |
@device/disp | Display device object. |
@device/read | Read a specified number of bytes from a i2c or serial device object using opt... |
@device/readRegister | Read a specified number of bytes from a register of an i2cdev object using op... |
@device/subsref | subref for device |
@device/write | Write data to a I2C or serial device object using optional precision for the ... |
@device/writeRegister | Write data to i2c device object at a given registry position using optional p... |
Arduino Rotary Encoder Functions
@rotaryEncoder/delete | Free resources of a encoder object. |
@rotaryEncoder/disp | Display the rotary encoder object in a verbose way, |
@rotaryEncoder/readCount | read count value from the rotary encoder. |
@rotaryEncoder/readSpeed | read rotational speed from the rotary encoder. |
@rotaryEncoder/resetCount | reset the rotary encoder count values |
@rotaryEncoder/subsref | subref for rotaryEncoder |
@rotaryEncoder/rotaryEncoder | Create a rotaryEncoder object controlled by the input pins. |
Arduino Servo Functions
@servo/delete | Free resources of a servo object. |
@servo/disp | Display servo object. |
@servo/readPosition | Read the position of a servo |
@servo/subsref | subref for servo |
@servo/writePosition | Write the position to a servo. |
@servo/servo | Create a servo object using a specified pin on a arduino board. |
Arduino Shiftregister Functions
@shiftRegister/delete | Free resources of a shiftRegister object. |
@shiftRegister/disp | Display the register object in a verbose way, |
@shiftRegister/read | read a value from the shift register. |
@shiftRegister/reset | clear the shift register value. |
@shiftRegister/write | Write a value to the shift register. |
@shiftRegister/subsref | subref for shiftRegister |
@shiftRegister/shiftRegister | Create shift register of a given type, controlled by the input pins. |
Arduino SPI Functions
@spidev/delete | Free resources of a spidev object. |
@spidev/disp | Display spidev object. |
@spidev/subsref | subref for spidev |
@spidev/writeRead | Write uint8 data to spi device and return back clocked out response data of s... |
@spidev/spidev | ‘spidev’ is depreciated and will be removed in a future version. |
@device/delete | Free resources of a device object. |
@device/disp | Display device object. |
@device/subsref | subref for device |
@device/writeRead | Write uint8 data to spi device and return back clocked out response data of s... |
Arduino Serial Functions
@device/delete | Free resources of a device object. |
@device/disp | Display device object. |
@device/flush | Flush the serial port buffers |
@device/read | Read a specified number of bytes from a i2c or serial device object using opt... |
@device/subsref | subref for device |
@device/write | Write data to a I2C or serial device object using optional precision for the ... |
@device/device | Create an i2c, spi or serial object to communicate on a connected arduino. |
Arduino Device Functions
@device/delete | Free resources of a device object. |
@device/disp | Display device object. |
@device/flush | Flush the serial port buffers |
@device/read | Read a specified number of bytes from a i2c or serial device object using opt... |
@device/readRegister | Read a specified number of bytes from a register of an i2cdev object using op... |
@device/subsref | subref for device |
@device/write | Write data to a I2C or serial device object using optional precision for the ... |
@device/writeRead | Write uint8 data to spi device and return back clocked out response data of s... |
@device/writeRegister | Write data to i2c device object at a given registry position using optional p... |
@device/device | Create an i2c, spi or serial object to communicate on a connected arduino. |
Arduino Ultrasonic Functions
@ultrasonic/delete | Free resources of a ultrasonic object. |
@ultrasonic/disp | Display ultrasonic object. |
@ultrasonic/subsref | subref for ultrasonic |
@ultrasonic/readDistance | Read the distance from a ultrasonic device |
@ultrasonic/readEchoTime | Measure the time for waves to reflect back to the ultrasonic device |
@ultrasonic/ultrasonic | Create an ultrasonic object to communicate to a connected ultrasonic device |
Arduino Addons
addon | Create an addon object using the addon named class. |
arduinoioaddons.ExampleAddon.Echo | Basic Example matlab/octave code to illustrate creating a user addon. |
arduinoioaddons.ExampleLCD.LCD | Basic Example octave addon for LCD |
arduinoioaddons.EEPRomAddon.EEPRom | EEPROM addon for arduino |
arduinoioaddons.RTCAddon.DS1307 | DS1307 addon |
arduinoioaddons.adafruit.motorshieldv2 | Adafruit motor shield addon |
arduinoioaddons.adafruit.dcmotorv2 | DC Motor class for dc motor control on the adafruit motor shield |
arduinoioaddons.adafruit.stepper | Stepper class for stepper control on the adafruit motor shield |
arduinoioaddons.SimpleStepper.SimpleStepper | Stepper class for stepper control using ULN2003 and compatible drivers |
Arduino Sensors
arduinosensor.DS1307 | DS1307 realtime clock sensor |
arduinosensor.MPC3002 | MCP3002 ADC sensor |
arduinosensor.SI7021 | SI7021 temperature and humidity sensor |
arduinosensor.GUVAS12SD | A thin wrapper for the GUVAS12SD analog UV-B sensor |
Arduino I/O package
arduinoio.AddonBase | Base class used for arduino library sensors |
arduinoio.FilePath | Get the directory component of a pathname. |
arduinoio.LibFiles | Get the list of files used for the building arduino library |
arduinoio.LibraryBase | Base class used for arduino library plugins |
arduinoio.getBoardConfig | Return the configuration for a known arduino board type |
Matlab Compatibility Classes
matlabshared.addon.LibraryBase | Compatability class used for arduino library plugins using matlabshared.addon... |
bme280 | BME280 pressure, temperature and humidity sensor |
bno055 | BNO055 9 axis orientation sensor |
lis3dh | LIS3DH 3 degrees sensor |
lps22hb | LPS22HB absolute pressure and temperature sensor |
lsm6dso | LSM6DSO 6 degrees sensor |
mpu6050 | MPU-6050 6 degrees sensor |
si7021 | SI7021 temperature and humidity sensor |
Test Functions
arduino_bistsetup | Install on an arduino the required core libraries to run the BIST tests |