Arduino Toolkit - arduinoio.LibraryBase

: arduinoio.LibraryBase

Base class used for arduino library plugins

See also: arduino, listArduinoLibraries, addon.


Base properties are expected to be inherited and overwritten in inherited classes and are constant in order to query through the metaobject mechanism.

LibraryName - name of the addon library

DependentLibraries - array of dependent library names that must be included when installing this plugin.

CppHeaderFile - name (if any) of header file that will be included into the arduino project when adding this library.

CppSourceFile - name (if any) of source file that will be included into the arduino project when adding this library.

CppClassName - name of the cpp class for the addon library. project when adding this library.

Pins - pins allocated to the addon

Parent - parent arduino object.


: lb = LibraryBase ()

Constructor of base class

The constructor is usually not called but called indirectly from the addon function.


The return value lb is an object of the arduinio.LibraryBase class.

See also: arduino, listArduinoLibraries, addon.

: disp ()

Display the addon in a verbose way.