Arduino Toolkit - @device/device
- :
dev =
device(ar, 'I2CAddress', address)
- :
dev =
device(ar, 'SPIChipSelectPin', pin)
- :
dev =
device(ar, 'Serial', serialid)
- :
dev =
device(..., propname, propvalue)
Create an i2c, spi or serial object to communicate on a connected arduino.
ar - connected arduino object
propname, propvalue - property name/value pair for values to pass to devices.
A property of ’i2caddress’, ’spichipselectpin’ or ’serial’ must be specified to denote the device type to create.
i2caddress - address to use for device on I2C bus.
pin - pin to use for device SPI chip select.
serialid - Serial port id to use
Additional properties can also be specified for the device object
Currently known input I2C properties values:
- bus
bus number (when arduino board supports multiple I2C buses) with value of 0 or 1.
- noprobe
Do not probe the existence of device on creation if set to 1 (default 0)
- bitrate
bit rate speed in Mbs - default 100000
Currently known input SPI properties values:
- bitrate
bit rate speed in Mbs
- bitorder
’msbfirst’ or ’lsbfirst’
- spimode
SPI mode 0 - 3.
Currently known input Serial properties values:
- baudrate
baudrate value (default 9600)
- databits
number of databits (5,6,7,8) (default 8)
- stopbits
number of stopbits (1,2) (default 1)
- parity
parity of device (’odd’,’even’,’none’) (default ’none’)
dev - new created device object.
The object has the following public properties:
- parent
The parent (arduino) for this device
- interface
The interface type for this device ("SPI" or "I2C" or "Serial")
In addition, depending on type, the object will have these properties:
I2C Properties
The object has the following public properties:
- bus
bus used for created object
- i2caddress
I2C address set for object
- sclpin
the SCL pin of the device
- sdapin
the SDA pin of the device
- bitrate
bit rate for the i2c clock
SPI Properties
The object has the following public properties:
- spimode
mode used for created object
- bitrate
Bitrate set for object
- bitorder
Bitorder set for object
- spichipselectpin
Pin used for chipselect
- mosipin
Pin used for mosi
- misopin
Pin used for miso
- sckpin
Pin used for sckpin
Serial Properties
The object has the following public properties:
- id
serial port id
- baudrate
- databits
number of databits (5,6,7,8)
- stopbits
number of stopbits (1,2)
- parity
parity of device (’odd’,’even’,’none’)
See also: arduino, i2cdev, spidev.