Arduino Toolkit - @rotaryEncoder/rotaryEncoder
- :
obj =
rotaryEncoder(ar, chanApin, chanBpin)
- :
obj =
rotaryEncoder(ar, chanApin, chanBpin, ppr)
Create a rotaryEncoder object controlled by the input pins.
ar - connected arduino object.
chanApin - pin used for channel A
chanBpin - pin used for channel B
ppr - count of encoder pulsed required for a full revolution of the encoder.
obj - created rotary encoder object
a = arduino (); enc = rotaryEncoder(a, "d2", "d3", 180);
The rotaryEncoder object has the following public properties:
- parent
The parent (arduino) for this device
- pins
pins used by this object
- ppr
Number of pulses used per rotation
See also: arduino.