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Function Reference: augw

Function File: P = augw (G, W1, W2, W3)

Extend plant for stacked S/KS/T problem. Subsequently, the robust control problem can be solved by h2syn or hinfsyn.



LTI model of plant.


LTI model of performance weight. Bounds the largest singular values of sensitivity S. Model must be empty [], SISO or of appropriate size.


LTI model to penalize large control inputs. Bounds the largest singular values of KS. Model must be empty [], SISO or of appropriate size.


LTI model of robustness and noise sensitivity weight. Bounds the largest singular values of complementary sensitivity T. Model must be empty [], SISO or of appropriate size.

All inputs must be proper/realizable. Scalars, vectors and matrices are possible instead of LTI models.



State-space model of augmented plant.

Block Diagram

     | W1 | -W1*G |     z1 = W1 r  -  W1 G u
     | 0  |  W2   |     z2 =          W2   u
 P = | 0  |  W3*G |     z3 =          W3 G u
     | I  |    -G |     e  =    r  -     G u
                                                       +------+  z1
             +---------------------------------------->|  W1  |----->
             |                                         +------+
             |                                         +------+  z2
             |                 +---------------------->|  W2  |----->
             |                 |                       +------+
  r   +    e |   +--------+  u |   +--------+  y       +------+  z3
 ----->(+)---+-->|  K(s)  |----+-->|  G(s)  |----+---->|  W3  |----->
        ^ -      +--------+        +--------+    |     +------+
        |                                        |
                |        |-----> z1 (p1x1)          z1 = W1 e
  r (px1) ----->|  P(s)  |-----> z2 (p2x1)          z2 = W2 u
                |        |-----> z3 (p3x1)          z3 = W3 y
  u (mx1) ----->|        |-----> e (px1)            e = r - y
        r ----->|        |-----> z
                |  P(s)  |
        u +---->|        |-----+ e
          |     +--------+     |
          |                    |
          |     +--------+     |
          +-----|  K(s)  |<----+

[1] Skogestad, S. and Postlethwaite I. (2005) Multivariable Feedback Control: Analysis and Design: Second Edition. Wiley.

See also: h2syn, hinfsyn, mixsyn

Source Code: augw