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Function Reference: isstabilizable

Function File: bool = isstabilizable (sys)
Function File: bool = isstabilizable (sys, tol)
Function File: bool = isstabilizable (a, b)
Function File: bool = isstabilizable (a, b, e)
Function File: bool = isstabilizable (a, b, [], tol)
Function File: bool = isstabilizable (a, b, e, tol)
Function File: bool = isstabilizable (a, b, [], [], dflg)
Function File: bool = isstabilizable (a, b, e, [], dflg)
Function File: bool = isstabilizable (a, b, [], tol, dflg)
Function File: bool = isstabilizable (a, b, e, tol, dflg)

Logical check for system stabilizability. All unstable modes must be controllable or all uncontrollable states must be stable.



LTI system. If sys is not a state-space system, it is converted to a minimal state-space realization, so beware of pole-zero cancellations which may lead to wrong results!


State transition matrix.


Input matrix.


Descriptor matrix. If e is empty [] or not specified, an identity matrix is assumed.


Optional tolerance for stability. Default value is 0.

dflg = 0

Matrices (a, b) are part of a continuous-time system. Default Value.

dflg = 1

Matrices (a, b) are part of a discrete-time system.


bool = 0

System is not stabilizable.

bool = 1

System is stabilizable.

Uses SLICOT AB01OD and TG01HD, Copyright (c) 2020, SLICOT, available under the BSD 3-Clause (License and Disclaimer).

 * Calculate staircase form (SLICOT AB01OD)
 * Extract unobservable part of state transition matrix
 * Calculate eigenvalues of unobservable part
 * Check whether
   real (ev) < -tol*(1 + abs (ev))   continuous-time
   abs (ev) < 1 - tol                discrete-time

See also: isdetectable, isstable, isctrb, isobsv

Source Code: isstabilizable