Linear-quadratic gaussian (LQG) design
Continuous or discrete-time LTI model (m inputs, n states, p outputs).
State and input weighting matrix (n+m-by-n+m).
Process and measurement noise covariance matrix (n+p-by-n+p).
Optional output weighting matrix for LQG servo control with integral action (p-by-p). If QI is not specified, the LQG regulator is computed
LQG regulator or controller as dynamic compensator. Connect with positive feedback.
Equations $$ \dot{x} = A\,x + B\,u,\quad x(0) = x_0 $$$$ J(x_0) = E \left[ \lim_{T\to\infty} \, \frac{1}{T}\,\int_0^T [x^T \, u^T ] Q_{xu}\, [x^T \, u^T ]^T + x_i^TQ_i\,x_i \,\, dt \right] $$
Source Code: lqg