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Function Reference: lsim

Function File: lsim (sys, u)
Function File: lsim (sys1, sys2, …, sysN, u)
Function File: lsim (sys1, 'style1', …, sysN, 'styleN', u)
Function File: lsim (sys1, …, u, t)
Function File: lsim (sys1, …, u, t, x0)
Function File: [y, t, x] = lsim (sys, u)
Function File: [y, t, x] = lsim (sys, u, t)
Function File: [y, t, x] = lsim (sys, u, t, x0)

Simulate LTI model response to arbitrary inputs. If no output arguments are given, the system response is plotted on the screen.



LTI model. System must be proper, i.e. it must not have more zeros than poles.


Vector or array of input signal. Needs length(t) rows and as many columns as there are inputs. If sys is a single-input system, row vectors u of length length(t) are accepted as well.


Time vector. Should be evenly spaced. If sys is a continuous-time system and t is a real scalar, sys is discretized with sampling time tsam = t/(rows(u)-1). If sys is a discrete-time system and t is not specified, vector t is assumed to be 0 : tsam : tsam*(rows(u)-1).


Vector of initial conditions for each state. If not specified, a zero vector is assumed.


Line style and color, e.g. ’r’ for a solid red line or ’-.k’ for a dash-dotted black line. See help plot for details.



Output response array. Has as many rows as time samples (length of t) and as many columns as outputs.


Time row vector. It is always evenly spaced.


State trajectories array. Has length (t) rows and as many columns as states.

See also: impulse, initial, step

Source Code: lsim

Example: 1


 A = [-3   0   0;
       0  -2   1;
      10 -17   0];
 B = [4;
 C = [0 0 1];
 D = 0;
 sys = ss(A,B,C,D);
 t = 0:0.01:10;
 u = zeros (length(t) ,1);
 x0 = [0 0.1 0];
 lsim(sys, u, t, x0);

plotted figure