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Class Definition: iddata

Function File: dat = iddata (y)
Function File: dat = iddata (y, u)
Function File: dat = iddata (y, u, tsam, …)
Function File: dat = iddata (y, u, [], …)

Create identification dataset of output and input signals.



Real matrix containing the output signal in time-domain. For a system with p outputs and n samples, y is a n-by-p matrix. For data from multiple experiments, y becomes a e-by-1 or 1-by-e cell vector of n(i)-by-p matrices, where e denotes the number of experiments and n(i) the individual number of samples for each experiment.


Real matrix containing the input signal in time-domain. For a system with m inputs and n samples, u is a n-by-m matrix. For data from multiple experiments, u becomes a e-by-1 or 1-by-e cell vector of n(i)-by-m matrices, where e denotes the number of experiments and n(i) the individual number of samples for each experiment. If u is not specified or an empty element [] is passed, dat becomes a time series dataset.


Sampling time. If not specified, default value -1 (unspecified) is taken. For multi-experiment data, tsam becomes a e-by-1 or 1-by-e cell vector containing individual sampling times for each experiment. If a scalar tsam is provided, then all experiments have the same sampling time.

Optional pairs of properties and values.



iddata identification dataset.

Option Keys and Values


The name of the experiments in dat. Cell vector of length e containing strings. Default names are {'exp1', 'exp2', ...}


Output signals. See ’Inputs’ for details.


The name of the output channels in dat. Cell vector of length p containing strings. Default names are {'y1', 'y2', ...}


The units of the output channels in dat. Cell vector of length p containing strings.


Input signals. See ’Inputs’ for details.


The name of the input channels in dat. Cell vector of length m containing strings. Default names are {'u1', 'u2', ...}


The units of the input channels in dat. Cell vector of length m containing strings.


Sampling time. See ’Inputs’ for details.


The units of the sampling times in dat. Cell vector of length e containing strings.


String containing the name of the dataset.


String or cell of string containing comments.


Any data type.

Source Code: iddata