

1.7.3 2025-2-10

The Statistics package for GNU Octave.

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cluster Define clusters from an agglomerative hierarchical cluster tree.
clusterdata Wrapper function for 'linkage' and 'cluster'.
cmdscale Classical multidimensional scaling of a matrix.
confusionmat Compute a confusion matrix for classification problems
cophenet Compute the cophenetic correlation coefficient.
crossval Perform cross validation on given data.
editDistance Compute the edit (Levenshtein) distance between strings or documents.
evalclusters Create a clustering evaluation object to find the optimal number of clusters.
inconsistent Compute the inconsistency coefficient for each link of a hierarchical cluster tree.
kmeans Perform a K-means clustering of the NxD matrix DATA.
knnsearch Find k-nearest neighbors from input data.
linkage Produce a hierarchical clustering dendrogram.
mahal Mahalanobis' D-square distance.
mhsample Draws NSAMPLES samples from a target stationary distribution PDF using Metropolis-Hastings algorithm.
optimalleaforder Compute the optimal leaf ordering of a hierarchical binary cluster tree.
pdist Return the distance between any two rows in X.
pdist2 Compute pairwise distance between two sets of vectors.
procrustes Procrustes Analysis.
rangesearch Find all neighbors within specified distance from input data.
slicesample Draws NSAMPLES samples from a target stationary distribution PDF using slice sampling of Radford M.
squareform Interchange between distance matrix and distance vector formats.

Classification Classes

ClassificationDiscriminant Create a ClassificationDiscriminant class object containing a discriminant analysis model.
ClassificationGAM Create a ClassificationGAM class object containing a generalized additive classification model.
ClassificationKNN Create a ClassificationKNN class object containing a k-Nearest Neighbor classification model.
ClassificationNeuralNetwork Create a ClassificationNeuralNetwork class object containing a Neural Network classification model.
ClassificationPartitionedModel Create a ClassificationPartitionedModel class for cross-validation of classification models.
ClassificationSVM Create a ClassificationSVM class object containing a Support Vector Machine classification model for one-class or two-class problems.
CompactClassificationDiscriminant A CompactClassificationDiscriminant object is a compact version of a discriminant analysis model, ClassificationDiscriminant.
CompactClassificationGAM A CompactClassificationGAM object is a compact version of a Generalized Additive Model, ClassificationGAM.
CompactClassificationNeuralNetwork A CompactClassificationNeuralNetwork object is a compact version of a discriminant analysis model, CompactClassificationNeuralNetwork.
CompactClassificationSVM A CompactClassificationSVM object is a compact version of a support vectors machine model, CompactClassificationSVM.
ConfusionMatrixChart Create object CMC, a Confusion Matrix Chart object.

Clustering Classes

CalinskiHarabaszEvaluation A Calinski-Harabasz object to evaluate clustering solutions.
ClusterCriterion A clustering evaluation object as created by 'evalclusters'.
DaviesBouldinEvaluation A Davies-Bouldin object to evaluate clustering solutions.
GapEvaluation A gap object to evaluate clustering solutions.
SilhouetteEvaluation A silhouette object to evaluate clustering solutions.


@cvpartition/cvpartition Create a partition object for cross validation.
@cvpartition/display Display a 'cvpartition' object, C.
@cvpartition/get Get a field, F, from a 'cvpartition' object, C.
@cvpartition/repartition Return a new cvpartition object.
@cvpartition/set Set FIELD, in a 'cvpartition' object, C.
@cvpartition/test Return logical vector for testing-subset indices from a 'cvpartition' object, C.
@cvpartition/training Return logical vector for training-subset indices from a 'cvpartition' object, C.

Regression Classes

RegressionGAM Create a RegressionGAM class object containing a Generalised Additive Model (GAM) for regression.

Data Manipulation

combnk Return all combinations of K elements in DATA.
crosstab Create a cross-tabulation (contingency table) T from data vectors.
datasample Randomly sample data.
fillmissing Replace missing entries of array A either with values in V or as determined by other specified methods. 'missing' values are determined by the data type of A as identified by the function ismissing, curently defined as:
grp2idx Get index for group variables.
ismissing Find missing data in a numeric or string array.
isoutlier Find outliers in data
normalise_distribution Transform a set of data so as to be N(0,1) distributed according to an idea by van Albada and Robinson.
rmmissing Remove missing or incomplete data from an array.
standardizeMissing Replace data values specified by INDICATOR in A by the standard 'missing' data value for that data type.
tabulate Calculate a frequency table.

Descriptive Statistics

cdfcalc Calculate an empirical cumulative distribution function.
cl_multinom Confidence level of multinomial portions.
geomean Compute the geometric mean of X.
grpstats Summary statistics by group. 'grpstats' computes groupwise summary statistics, for data in a matrix X. 'grpstats' treats NaNs as missing values, and removes them.
harmmean Compute the harmonic mean of X.
jackknife Compute jackknife estimates of a parameter taking one or more given samples as parameters.
mad Compute the mean or median absolute deviation (MAD) of the elements of X.
mean Compute the mean of the elements of X.
median Compute the median value of the elements of X.
nanmax Find the maximum while ignoring NaN values.
nanmin Find the minimum while ignoring NaN values.
nansum Compute the sum while ignoring NaN values.
std Compute the standard deviation of the elements of the vector X.
trimmean Compute the trimmed mean.
var Compute the variance of the elements of the vector X.

Distribution Classes

BetaDistribution Beta probability distribution object.
BinomialDistribution Binomial probability distribution object.
BirnbaumSaundersDistribution Gamma probability distribution object.
BurrDistribution Burr probability distribution object.
ExponentialDistribution Exponential probability distribution object.
ExtremeValueDistribution Extreme value probability distribution object.
GammaDistribution Gamma probability distribution object.
GeneralizedExtremeValueDistribution Generalized extreme value probability distribution object.
GeneralizedParetoDistribution Generalized Pareto probability distribution object.
HalfNormalDistribution Half-normal probability distribution object.
InverseGaussianDistribution Logistic probability distribution object.
LogisticDistribution Logistic probability distribution object.
LoglogisticDistribution Loglogistic probability distribution object.
LognormalDistribution Lognormal probability distribution object.
LoguniformDistribution Log-uniform probability distribution object.
MultinomialDistribution Multinomial probability distribution object.
NakagamiDistribution Normal probability distribution object.
NegativeBinomialDistribution Negative binomial probability distribution object.
NormalDistribution Normal probability distribution object.
PiecewiseLinearDistribution Piecewise linear probability distribution object.
PoissonDistribution Poisson probability distribution object.
RayleighDistribution Rayleigh probability distribution object.
RicianDistribution Rician probability distribution object.
tLocationScaleDistribution Weibull probability distribution object.
TriangularDistribution Triangular probability distribution object.
UniformDistribution Continuous uniform probability distribution object.
WeibullDistribution Weibull probability distribution object.

Distribution Fitting

betafit Estimate parameters and confidence intervals for the Beta distribution.
betalike Negative log-likelihood for the Beta distribution.
binofit Estimate parameter and confidence intervals for the binomial distribution.
binolike Negative log-likelihood for the binomial distribution.
bisafit Estimate mean and confidence intervals for the Birnbaum-Saunders distribution.
bisalike Negative log-likelihood for the Birnbaum-Saunders distribution.
burrfit Estimate mean and confidence intervals for the Burr type XII distribution.
burrlike Negative log-likelihood for the Burr type XII distribution.
evfit Estimate parameters and confidence intervals for the extreme value distribution.
evlike Negative log-likelihood for the extreme value distribution.
expfit Estimate mean and confidence intervals for the exponential distribution.
explike Negative log-likelihood for the exponential distribution.
gamfit Estimate parameters and confidence intervals for the Gamma distribution.
gamlike Negative log-likelihood for the Gamma distribution.
geofit Estimate parameter and confidence intervals for the geometric distribution.
gevfit_lmom Find an estimator (PARAMHAT) of the generalized extreme value (GEV) distribution fitting DATA using the method of L-moments.
gevfit Estimate parameters and confidence intervals for the generalized extreme value (GEV) distribution.
gevlike Negative log-likelihood for the generalized extreme value (GEV) distribution.
gpfit Estimate parameters and confidence intervals for the generalized Pareto distribution.
gplike Negative log-likelihood for the generalized Pareto distribution.
gumbelfit Estimate parameters and confidence intervals for Gumbel distribution.
gumbellike Negative log-likelihood for the extreme value distribution.
hnfit Estimate parameters and confidence intervals for the half-normal distribution.
hnlike Negative log-likelihood for the half-normal distribution.
invgfit Estimate mean and confidence intervals for the inverse Gaussian distribution.
invglike Negative log-likelihood for the inverse Gaussian distribution.
logifit Estimate mean and confidence intervals for the logistic distribution.
logilike Negative log-likelihood for the logistic distribution.
loglfit Estimate mean and confidence intervals for the log-logistic distribution.
logllike Negative log-likelihood for the log-logistic distribution.
lognfit Estimate parameters and confidence intervals for the lognormal distribution.
lognlike Negative log-likelihood for the lognormal distribution.
nakafit Estimate mean and confidence intervals for the Nakagami distribution.
nakalike Negative log-likelihood for the Nakagami distribution.
nbinfit Estimate parameter and confidence intervals for the negative binomial distribution.
nbinlike Negative log-likelihood for the negative binomial distribution.
normfit Estimate parameters and confidence intervals for the normal distribution.
normlike Negative log-likelihood for the normal distribution.
poissfit Estimate parameter and confidence intervals for the Poisson distribution.
poisslike Negative log-likelihood for the Poisson distribution.
raylfit Estimate parameter and confidence intervals for the Rayleigh distribution.
rayllike Negative log-likelihood for the Rayleigh distribution.
ricefit Estimate parameters and confidence intervals for the Gamma distribution.
ricelike Negative log-likelihood for the Rician distribution.
tlsfit Estimate parameters and confidence intervals for the Location-scale Student's T distribution.
tlslike Negative log-likelihood for the location-scale Student's T distribution.
unidfit Estimate parameter and confidence intervals for the discrete uniform distribution.
unifit Estimate parameter and confidence intervals for the continuous uniform distribution.
wblfit Estimate parameters and confidence intervals for the Weibull distribution.
wbllike Negative log-likelihood for the Weibull distribution.

Distribution Functions

betacdf Beta cumulative distribution function (CDF).
betainv Inverse of the Beta distribution (iCDF).
betapdf Beta probability density function (PDF).
betarnd Random arrays from the Beta distribution.
binocdf Binomial cumulative distribution function (CDF).
binoinv Inverse of the Binomial cumulative distribution function (iCDF).
binopdf Binomial probability density function (PDF).
binornd Random arrays from the Binomial distribution.
bisacdf Birnbaum-Saunders cumulative distribution function (CDF).
bisainv Inverse of the Birnbaum-Saunders cumulative distribution function (iCDF).
bisapdf Birnbaum-Saunders probability density function (PDF).
bisarnd Random arrays from the Birnbaum-Saunders distribution.
burrcdf Burr type XII cumulative distribution function (CDF).
burrinv Inverse of the Burr type XII cumulative distribution function (iCDF).
burrpdf Burr type XII probability density function (PDF).
burrrnd Random arrays from the Burr type XII distribution.
bvncdf Bivariate normal cumulative distribution function (CDF).
bvtcdf Bivariate Student's t cumulative distribution function (CDF).
cauchycdf Cauchy cumulative distribution function (CDF).
cauchyinv Inverse of the Cauchy cumulative distribution function (iCDF).
cauchypdf Cauchy probability density function (PDF).
cauchyrnd Random arrays from the Cauchy distribution.
chi2cdf Chi-squared cumulative distribution function (CDF).
chi2inv Inverse of the chi-squared cumulative distribution function (iCDF).
chi2pdf Chi-squared probability density function (PDF).
chi2rnd Random arrays from the chi-squared distribution.
copulacdf Copula family cumulative distribution functions (CDF).
copulapdf Copula family probability density functions (PDF).
copularnd Random arrays from the copula family distributions.
evcdf Extreme value cumulative distribution function (CDF).
evinv Inverse of the extreme value cumulative distribution function (iCDF).
evpdf Extreme value probability density function (PDF).
evrnd Random arrays from the extreme value distribution.
expcdf Exponential cumulative distribution function (CDF).
expinv Inverse of the exponential cumulative distribution function (iCDF).
exppdf Exponential probability density function (PDF).
exprnd Random arrays from the exponential distribution.
fcdf F-cumulative distribution function (CDF).
finv Inverse of the F-cumulative distribution function (iCDF).
fpdf F-probability density function (PDF).
frnd Random arrays from the F-distribution.
gamcdf Gamma cumulative distribution function (CDF).
gaminv Inverse of the Gamma cumulative distribution function (iCDF).
gampdf Gamma probability density function (PDF).
gamrnd Random arrays from the Gamma distribution.
geocdf Geometric cumulative distribution function (CDF).
geoinv Inverse of the geometric cumulative distribution function (iCDF).
geopdf Geometric probability density function (PDF).
geornd Random arrays from the geometric distribution.
gevcdf Generalized extreme value (GEV) cumulative distribution function (CDF).
gevinv Inverse of the generalized extreme value (GEV) cumulative distribution function (iCDF).
gevpdf Generalized extreme value (GEV) probability density function (PDF).
gevrnd Random arrays from the generalized extreme value (GEV) distribution.
gpcdf Generalized Pareto cumulative distribution function (CDF).
gpinv Inverse of the generalized Pareto cumulative distribution function (iCDF).
gppdf Generalized Pareto probability density function (PDF).
gprnd Random arrays from the generalized Pareto distribution.
gumbelcdf Gumbel cumulative distribution function (CDF).
gumbelinv Inverse of the Gumbel cumulative distribution function (iCDF).
gumbelpdf Gumbel probability density function (PDF).
gumbelrnd Random arrays from the Gumbel distribution.
hncdf Half-normal cumulative distribution function (CDF).
hninv Inverse of the half-normal cumulative distribution function (iCDF).
hnpdf Half-normal probability density function (PDF).
hnrnd Random arrays from the half-normal distribution.
hygecdf Hypergeometric cumulative distribution function (CDF).
hygeinv Inverse of the hypergeometric cumulative distribution function (iCDF).
hygepdf Hypergeometric probability density function (PDF).
hygernd Random arrays from the hypergeometric distribution.
invgcdf Inverse Gaussian cumulative distribution function (CDF).
invginv Inverse of the inverse Gaussian cumulative distribution function (iCDF).
invgpdf Inverse Gaussian probability density function (PDF).
invgrnd Random arrays from the inverse Gaussian distribution.
iwishpdf Compute the probability density function of the inverse Wishart distribution.
iwishrnd Return a random matrix sampled from the inverse Wishart distribution with given parameters.
jsucdf Johnson SU cumulative distribution function (CDF).
jsupdf Johnson SU probability density function (PDF).
laplacecdf Laplace cumulative distribution function (CDF).
laplaceinv Inverse of the Laplace cumulative distribution function (iCDF).
laplacepdf Laplace probability density function (PDF).
laplacernd Random arrays from the Laplace distribution.
logicdf Logistic cumulative distribution function (CDF).
logiinv Inverse of the logistic cumulative distribution function (iCDF).
logipdf Logistic probability density function (PDF).
logirnd Random arrays from the logistic distribution.
loglcdf Loglogistic cumulative distribution function (CDF).
loglinv Inverse of the log-logistic cumulative distribution function (iCDF).
loglpdf Loglogistic probability density function (PDF).
loglrnd Random arrays from the loglogistic distribution.
logncdf Lognormal cumulative distribution function (CDF).
logninv Inverse of the lognormal cumulative distribution function (iCDF).
lognpdf Lognormal probability density function (PDF).
lognrnd Random arrays from the lognormal distribution.
mnpdf Multinomial probability density function (PDF).
mnrnd Random arrays from the multinomial distribution.
mvncdf Multivariate normal cumulative distribution function (CDF).
mvnpdf Multivariate normal probability density function (PDF).
mvnrnd Random vectors from the multivariate normal distribution.
mvtcdf Multivariate Student's t cumulative distribution function (CDF).
mvtpdf Multivariate Student's t probability density function (PDF).
mvtrnd Random vectors from the multivariate Student's t distribution.
mvtcdfqmc Quasi-Monte-Carlo computation of the multivariate Student's T CDF.
nakacdf Nakagami cumulative distribution function (CDF).
nakainv Inverse of the Nakagami cumulative distribution function (iCDF).
nakapdf Nakagami probability density function (PDF).
nakarnd Random arrays from the Nakagami distribution.
nbincdf Negative binomial cumulative distribution function (CDF).
nbininv Inverse of the negative binomial cumulative distribution function (iCDF).
nbinpdf Negative binomial probability density function (PDF).
nbinrnd Random arrays from the negative binomial distribution.
ncfcdf Noncentral F-cumulative distribution function (CDF).
ncfinv Inverse of the noncentral F-cumulative distribution function (iCDF).
ncfpdf Noncentral F-probability density function (PDF).
ncfrnd Random arrays from the noncentral F-distribution.
nctcdf Noncentral t-cumulative distribution function (CDF).
nctinv Inverse of the non-central t-cumulative distribution function (iCDF).
nctpdf Noncentral t-probability density function (PDF).
nctrnd Random arrays from the noncentral t-distribution.
ncx2cdf Noncentral chi-squared cumulative distribution function (CDF).
ncx2inv Inverse of the noncentral chi-squared cumulative distribution function (iCDF).
ncx2pdf Noncentral chi-squared probability distribution function (PDF).
ncx2rnd Random arrays from the noncentral chi-squared distribution.
normcdf Normal cumulative distribution function (CDF).
norminv Inverse of the normal cumulative distribution function (iCDF).
normpdf Normal probability density function (PDF).
normrnd Random arrays from the normal distribution.
plcdf Piecewise linear cumulative distribution function (CDF).
plinv Inverse of the piecewise linear distribution (iCDF).
plpdf Piecewise linear probability density function (PDF).
plrnd Random arrays from the piecewise linear distribution.
poisscdf Poisson cumulative distribution function (CDF).
poissinv Inverse of the Poisson cumulative distribution function (iCDF).
poisspdf Poisson probability density function (PDF).
poissrnd Random arrays from the Poisson distribution.
raylcdf Rayleigh cumulative distribution function (CDF).
raylinv Inverse of the Rayleigh cumulative distribution function (iCDF).
raylpdf Rayleigh probability density function (PDF).
raylrnd Random arrays from the Rayleigh distribution.
ricecdf Rician cumulative distribution function (CDF).
riceinv Inverse of the Rician distribution (iCDF).
ricepdf Rician probability density function (PDF).
ricernd Random arrays from the Rician distribution.
tcdf Student's T cumulative distribution function (CDF).
tinv Inverse of the Student's T cumulative distribution function (iCDF).
tpdf Student's T probability density function (PDF).
trnd Random arrays from the Student's T distribution.
tlscdf Location-scale Student's T cumulative distribution function (CDF).
tlsinv Inverse of the location-scale Student's T cumulative distribution function (iCDF).
tlspdf Location-scale Student's T probability density function (PDF).
tlsrnd Random arrays from the location-scale Student's T distribution.
tricdf Triangular cumulative distribution function (CDF).
triinv Inverse of the triangular cumulative distribution function (iCDF).
tripdf Triangular probability density function (PDF).
trirnd Random arrays from the triangular distribution.
unidcdf Discrete uniform cumulative distribution function (CDF).
unidinv Inverse of the discrete uniform cumulative distribution function (iCDF).
unidpdf Discrete uniform probability density function (PDF).
unidrnd Random arrays from the discrete uniform distribution.
unifcdf Continuous uniform cumulative distribution function (CDF).
unifinv Inverse of the continuous uniform cumulative distribution function (iCDF).
unifpdf Continuous uniform probability density function (PDF).
unifrnd Random arrays from the continuous uniform distribution.
vmcdf Von Mises probability density function (PDF).
vminv Inverse of the von Mises cumulative distribution function (iCDF).
vmpdf Von Mises probability density function (PDF).
vmrnd Random arrays from the von Mises distribution.
wblcdf Weibull cumulative distribution function (CDF).
wblinv Inverse of the Weibull cumulative distribution function (iCDF).
wblpdf Weibull probability density function (PDF).
wblrnd Random arrays from the Weibull distribution.
wienrnd Return a simulated realization of the D-dimensional Wiener Process on the interval [0, T].
wishpdf Compute the probability density function of the Wishart distribution
wishrnd Return a random matrix sampled from the Wishart distribution with given parameters

Distribution Statistics

betastat Compute statistics of the Beta distribution.
binostat Compute statistics of the binomial distribution.
bisastat Compute statistics of the Birnbaum-Saunders distribution.
burrstat Compute statistics of the Burr type XII distribution.
chi2stat Compute statistics of the chi-squared distribution.
evstat Compute statistics of the extreme value distribution.
expstat Compute statistics of the exponential distribution.
fstat Compute statistics of the F-distribution.
gamstat Compute statistics of the Gamma distribution.
geostat Compute statistics of the geometric distribution.
gevstat Compute statistics of the generalized extreme value distribution.
gpstat Compute statistics of the generalized Pareto distribution.
hnstat Compute statistics of the half-normal distribution.
hygestat Compute statistics of the hypergeometric distribution.
invgstat Compute statistics of the inverse Gaussian distribution.
logistat Compute statistics of the logistic distribution.
loglstat Compute statistics of the loglogistic distribution.
lognstat Compute statistics of the lognormal distribution.
nakastat Compute statistics of the Nakagami distribution.
nbinstat Compute statistics of the negative binomial distribution.
ncfstat Compute statistics for the noncentral F-distribution.
nctstat Compute statistics for the noncentral t-distribution.
ncx2stat Compute statistics for the noncentral chi-squared distribution.
normstat Compute statistics of the normal distribution.
plstat Compute statistics of the piecewise linear distribution.
poisstat Compute statistics of the Poisson distribution.
raylstat Compute statistics of the Rayleigh distribution.
ricestat Compute statistics of the Rician distribution.
tlsstat Compute statistics of the location-scale Student's T distribution.
tristat Compute statistics of the Triangular distribution.
tstat Compute statistics of the Student's T distribution.
unidstat Compute statistics of the discrete uniform cumulative distribution.
unifstat Compute statistics of the continuous uniform cumulative distribution.
wblstat Compute statistics of the Weibull distribution.

Distribution Wrappers

cdf Return the CDF of a univariate distribution evaluated at X.
fitdist Create probability distribution object.
icdf Return the inverse CDF of a univariate distribution evaluated at P.
makedist Create probability distribution object.
mle Compute maximum likelihood estimates.
pdf Return the PDF of a univariate distribution evaluated at X.
random Random arrays from a given one-, two-, or three-parameter distribution.

Experimental Design

fullfact Full factorial design.
ff2n Two-level full factorial design.
sigma_pts Calculates 2*N+1 sigma points in N dimensions.
x2fx Convert predictors to design matrix.

Machine Learning

fcnnpredict Make predictions from a fully connected Neural Network.
fcnntrain Train a fully connected Neural Network.
hmmestimate Estimation of a hidden Markov model for a given sequence.
hmmgenerate Output sequence and hidden states of a hidden Markov model.
hmmviterbi Viterbi path of a hidden Markov model.
svmpredict This function predicts new labels from a testing instance matrtix based on an SVM MODEL created with 'svmtrain'.
svmtrain This function trains an SVM MODEL based on known LABELS and their corresponding DATA which comprise an instance matrtix.

Model Fitting

fitcdiscr Fit a Linear Discriminant Analysis classification model.
fitcgam Fit a Generalized Additive Model (GAM) for binary classification.
fitcknn Fit a k-Nearest Neighbor classification model.
fitcnet Fit a Neural Network classification model.
fitcsvm Fit a Support Vector Machine classification model.
fitgmdist Fit a Gaussian mixture model with K components to DATA.
fitlm Regress the continuous outcome (i.e. dependent variable) Y on continuous or categorical predictors (i.e. independent variables) X by minimizing the sum-of-squared residuals.
fitrgam Fit a Generalised Additive Model (GAM) for regression.

Hypothesis Testing

adtest Anderson-Darling goodness-of-fit hypothesis test.
anova1 Perform a one-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) for comparing the means of two or more groups of data under the null hypothesis that the groups are drawn from distributions with the same mean.
anova2 Performs two-way factorial (crossed) or a nested analysis of variance (ANOVA) for balanced designs.
anovan Perform a multi (N)-way analysis of (co)variance (ANOVA or ANCOVA) to evaluate the effect of one or more categorical or continuous predictors (i.e. independent variables) on a continuous outcome (i.e. dependent variable).
bartlett_test Perform a Bartlett test for the homogeneity of variances.
barttest Bartlett's test of sphericity for correlation.
binotest Test for probability P of a binomial sample
chi2gof Chi-square goodness-of-fit test.
chi2test Perform a chi-squared test (for independence or homogeneity).
correlation_test Perform a correlation coefficient test whether two samples X and Y come from uncorrelated populations.
fishertest Fisher's exact test.
friedman Performs the nonparametric Friedman's test to compare column effects in a two-way layout. friedman tests the null hypothesis that the column effects are all the same against the alternative that they are not all the same.
hotelling_t2test Compute Hotelling's T^2 ("T-squared") test for a single sample or two dependent samples (paired-samples).
hotelling_t2test2 Compute Hotelling's T^2 ("T-squared") test for two independent samples.
kruskalwallis Perform a Kruskal-Wallis test, the non-parametric alternative of a one-way analysis of variance (ANOVA), for comparing the means of two or more groups of data under the null hypothesis that the groups are drawn from the same population, ...
kstest Single sample Kolmogorov-Smirnov (K-S) goodness-of-fit hypothesis test.
kstest2 Two-sample Kolmogorov-Smirnov goodness-of-fit hypothesis test.
levene_test Perform a Levene's test for the homogeneity of variances.
manova1 One-way multivariate analysis of variance (MANOVA).
mcnemar_test Perform a McNemar's test on paired nominal data.
multcompare Perform posthoc multiple comparison tests or p-value adjustments to control the family-wise error rate (FWER) or false discovery rate (FDR).
ranksum Wilcoxon rank sum test for equal medians.
regression_ftest F-test for General Linear Regression Analysis
regression_ttest Perform a linear regression t-test.
runstest Run test for randomness in the vector X.
sampsizepwr Sample size and power calculation for hypothesis test.
signrank Wilcoxon signed rank test for median.
signtest Signed test for median.
tiedrank Compute rank adjusted for ties.
ttest Test for mean of a normal sample with unknown variance.
ttest2 Perform a t-test to compare the means of two groups of data under the null hypothesis that the groups are drawn from distributions with the same mean.
vartest One-sample test of variance.
vartest2 Two-sample F test for equal variances.
vartestn Test for equal variances across multiple groups.
ztest One-sample Z-test.
ztest2 Two proportions Z-test.


libsvmread This function reads the labels and the corresponding instance_matrix from a LIBSVM data file and stores them in LABELS and DATA respectively.
libsvmwrite This function saves the labels and the corresponding instance_matrix in a file specified by FILENAME.
loadmodel Load a Classification or Regression model from a file.


bar3 Plot a 3D bar graph.
bar3h Plot a horizontal 3D bar graph.
boxplot Produce a box plot.
cdfplot Display an empirical cumulative distribution function.
confusionchart Display a chart of a confusion matrix.
dendrogram Plot a dendrogram of a hierarchical binary cluster tree.
ecdf Empirical (Kaplan-Meier) cumulative distribution function.
einstein Plots the tiling of the basic clusters of einstein tiles.
gscatter Draw a scatter plot with grouped data.
histfit Plot histogram with superimposed distribution fit.
hist3 Produce bivariate (2D) histogram counts or plots.
manovacluster Cluster group means using manova1 output.
normplot Produce normal probability plot of the data in X.
ppplot Perform a PP-plot (probability plot).
qqplot Perform a QQ-plot (quantile plot).
silhouette Compute the silhouette values of clustered data and show them on a plot.
violin Produce a Violin plot of the data X.
wblplot Plot a column vector DATA on a Weibull probability plot using rank regression.


canoncorr Canonical correlation analysis.
cholcov Cholesky-like decomposition for covariance matrix.
dcov Distance correlation, covariance and correlation statistics.
glmfit Perform generalized linear model fitting.
glmval Predict values for a generalized linear model.
logistic_regression Perform ordinal logistic regression.
mnrfit Perform logistic regression for binomial responses or multiple ordinal responses.
monotone_smooth Produce a smooth monotone increasing approximation to a sampled functional dependence.
pca Performs a principal component analysis on a data matrix.
pcacov Perform principal component analysis on covariance matrix
pcares Calculate residuals from principal component analysis.
plsregress Calculate partial least squares regression using SIMPLS algorithm.
princomp Performs a principal component analysis on a NxP data matrix X.
regress Multiple Linear Regression using Least Squares Fit of Y on X with the model 'y = X * beta + e'.
regress_gp Regression using Gaussian Processes.
ridge Ridge regression.
stepwisefit Linear regression with stepwise variable selection.


logit Compute the logit for each value of P
probit Probit transformation