Function Reference: icdf

statistics: x = icdf (name, p, A)
statistics: x = icdf (name, p, A, B)
statistics: x = icdf (name, p, A, B, C)

Return the inverse CDF of a univariate distribution evaluated at p.

icdf is a wrapper for the univariate quantile distribution functions (iCDF) available in the statistics package. See the corresponding functions’ help to learn the signification of the parameters after p.

x = icdf (name, p, A) returns the iCDF for the one-parameter distribution family specified by name and the distribution parameter A, evaluated at the values in p.

x = icdf (name, p, A, B) returns the iCDF for the two-parameter distribution family specified by name and the distribution parameters A and B, evaluated at the values in p.

x = icdf (name, p, A, B, C) returns the iCDF for the three-parameter distribution family specified by name and the distribution parameters A, B, and C, evaluated at the values in p.

name must be a char string of the name or the abbreviation of the desired quantile distribution function as listed in the followng table. The last column shows the number of required parameters that should be parsed after x to the desired iCDF.

Distribution NameAbbreviationInput Parameters
"Extreme Value""ev"2
"Generalized Extreme Value""gev"3
"Generalized Pareto""gp"3
"Inverse Gaussian""invg"2
"Negative Binomial""nbin"2
"Noncentral F-Distribution""ncf"3
"Noncentral Student T""nct"2
"Noncentral Chi-Squared""ncx2"2
"Student T""t"1
"location-scale T""tls"3
"Discrete Uniform""unid"1
"Von Mises""vm"2

See also: icdf, pdf, random, betainv, binoinv, bisainv, burrinv, cauchyinv, chi2inv, evinv, expinv, finv, gaminv, geoinv, gevinv, gpinv, gumbelinv, hninv, hygeinv, invginv, laplaceinv, logiinv, loglinv, logninv, nakainv, nbininv, ncfinv, nctinv, ncx2inv, norminv, poissinv, raylinv, riceinv, tinv, tlsinv, triinv, unidinv, unifinv, vminv, wblinv

Source Code: icdf