Plot histogram with superimposed distribution fit.
histfit (x)
plots a histogram of the values in the vector
x using the number of bins equal to the square root of the number of
non-missing elements in x and superimposes a fitted normal density
histfit (x, nbins)
plots a histogram of the values in the
vector x using nbins number of bins in the histogram and
superimposes a fitted normal density function.
histfit (x, nbins, distname)
plots a histogram of
the values in the vector x using nbins number of bins in the
histogram and superimposes a fitted density function from the distribution
specified by distname.
histfit (ax, …)
uses the axes handle ax to plot the
histogram and the fitted density function onto followed by any of the input
argument combinations specified in the previous syntaxes.
h = histfit (…)
returns a vector of handles h, where
is the handle to the histogram and h(1)
the handle to the density curve.
Note: calling fitdist
without any input arguments will return a cell
array of character vectors listing all supported distributions.
See also: bar, hist, normplot, fitdist
Source Code: histfit
histfit (randn (100, 1)) |
histfit (poissrnd (2, 1000, 1), 10, "Poisson") |
histfit (betarnd (3, 10, 1000, 1), 10, "beta") |