Function Reference: manova1

statistics: d = manova1 (x, group)
statistics: d = manova1 (x, group, alpha)
statistics: [d, p] = manova1 (…)
statistics: [d, p, stats] = manova1 (…)

One-way multivariate analysis of variance (MANOVA).

d = manova1 (x, group, alpha) performs a one-way MANOVA for comparing the mean vectors of two or more groups of multivariate data.

x is a matrix with each row representing a multivariate observation, and each column representing a variable.

group is a numeric vector, string array, or cell array of strings with the same number of rows as x. x values are in the same group if they correspond to the same value of GROUP.

alpha is the scalar significance level and is 0.05 by default.

d is an estimate of the dimension of the group means. It is the smallest dimension such that a test of the hypothesis that the means lie on a space of that dimension is not rejected. If d = 0 for example, we cannot reject the hypothesis that the means are the same. If d = 1, we reject the hypothesis that the means are the same but we cannot reject the hypothesis that they lie on a line.

[d, p] = manova1 (…) returns P, a vector of p-values for testing the null hypothesis that the mean vectors of the groups lie on various dimensions. P(1) is the p-value for a test of dimension 0, P(2) for dimension 1, etc.

[d, p, stats] = manova1 (…) returns a STATS structure with the following fields:

"W"within-group sum of squares and products matrix
"B"between-group sum of squares and products matrix
"T"total sum of squares and products matrix
"dfW"degrees of freedom for WSSP matrix
"dfB"degrees of freedom for BSSP matrix
"dfT"degrees of freedom for TSSP matrix
"lambda"value of Wilk’s lambda (the test statistic)
"chisq"transformation of lambda to a chi-square distribution
"chisqdf"degrees of freedom for chisq
"eigenval"eigenvalues of (WSSP^-1) * BSSP
"eigenvec"eigenvectors of (WSSP^-1) * BSSP; these are the coefficients for canonical variables, and they are scaled so the within-group variance of C is 1
"canon"canonical variables, equal to XC*eigenvec, where XC is X with columns centered by subtracting their means
"mdist"Mahalanobis distance from each point to its group mean
"gmdist"Mahalanobis distances between each pair of group means
"gnames"Group names

The canonical variables C have the property that C(:,1) is the linear combination of the x columns that has the maximum separation between groups, C(:,2) has the maximum separation subject to it being orthogonal to C(:,1), and so on.

Source Code: manova1

Example: 1


 load carbig
 [d,p] = manova1([MPG, Acceleration, Weight, Displacement], Origin)

d = 3
p =
