Negative log-likelihood for the Beta distribution.
nlogL = betalike (params, x)
returns the negative
log likelihood of the data in x corresponding to the Beta distribution
with (1) shape parameter and (2) shape parameter given in
the two-element vector params. Both parameters must be positive real
numbers and the data in the range . Out of range parameters or
data return NaN
[nlogL, avar] = betalike (params, x)
the inverse of Fisher’s information matrix, avar. If the input
parameter values in params are the maximum likelihood estimates, the
diagonal elements of params are their asymptotic variances.
[…] = betalike (params, x, freq)
accepts a
frequency vector, freq, of the same size as x. freq
must contain non-negative integer frequencies for the corresponding elements
in x. By default, or if left empty,
freq = ones (size (x))
The Beta distribution is defined on the open interval . However,
can also compute the unbounded beta likelihood function for
data that include exact zeros or ones. In such cases, zeros and ones are
treated as if they were values that have been left-censored at
sqrt (realmin)
or right-censored at 1 - eps/2
, respectively.
Further information about the Beta distribution can be found at
See also: betacdf, betainv, betapdf, betarnd, betafit, betastat
Source Code: betalike