Function Reference: mle

statistics: phat = mle (x)
statistics: phat = mle (x, Name, Value)
statistics: [phat, pci] = mle (…)

Compute maximum likelihood estimates.

phat = mle (x) returns the maximum likelihood estimates (MLEs) for the parameters of a normal distribution using the sample data in x, which must be a numeric vector of real values.

phat = mle (x, Name, Value) returns the MLEs with additional options specified by Name-Value pair arguments listed below.

"distribution"A character vector specifying the distribution type for which to estimate parameters.
"Ntrials"A scalar specifying the number of trials for the corresponding element of x for the binomial distribution.
"theta"A scalar specifying the location parameter for the generalized Pareto distribution.
"mu"A scalar specifying the location parameter for the half-normal distribution.
"censoring"A vector of the same size as x indicating censored data in x. By default it is censor = zeros (size (x)).
"frequency"A vector of nonnegative integer counts of the same size as x used as frequency observations. By default it is freq = ones (size (x)).
"alpha"A scalar in the range (0,1), as the significance level for the confidence interval pci. By default it is 0.05 corresponding to 95% confidence intervals.
"options"A structure specifying the control parameters for the iterative algorithm used to compute ML estimates with the fminsearch function.

See also: fitdist, makedist

Source Code: mle