Function Reference: vmcdf

statistics: p = vmcdf (x, mu, k)
statistics: p = vmcdf (x, mu, k, "upper")

Von Mises probability density function (PDF).

For each element of x, compute the cumulative distribution function (CDF) of the von Mises distribution with location parameter mu and concentration parameter k on the interval [-pi,pi]. The size of p is the common size of x, mu, and k. A scalar input functions as a constant matrix of the same same size as the other inputs.

p = vmcdf (x, mu, k, "upper") computes the upper tail probability of the von Mises distribution with parameters mu and k, at the values in x.

Note: the CDF of the von Mises distribution is not analytic. Hence, it is calculated by integrating its probability density which is expressed as a series of Bessel functions. Balancing between performance and accuracy, the integration uses a step of 1e-5 on the interval [-pi,pi], which results to an accuracy of about 10 significant digits.

Further information about the von Mises distribution can be found at

See also: vminv, vmpdf, vmrnd

Source Code: vmcdf

Example: 1


 ## Plot various CDFs from the von Mises distribution
 x1 = [-pi:0.1:pi];
 p1 = vmcdf (x1, 0, 0.5);
 p2 = vmcdf (x1, 0, 1);
 p3 = vmcdf (x1, 0, 2);
 p4 = vmcdf (x1, 0, 4);
 plot (x1, p1, "-r", x1, p2, "-g", x1, p3, "-b", x1, p4, "-c")
 grid on
 xlim ([-pi, pi])
 legend ({"μ = 0, k = 0.5", "μ = 0, k = 1", ...
          "μ = 0, k = 2", "μ = 0, k = 4"}, "location", "northwest")
 title ("Von Mises CDF")
 xlabel ("values in x")
 ylabel ("probability")

plotted figure