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Function Reference: raylinv

statistics: x = raylinv (p, sigma)

Inverse of the Rayleigh cumulative distribution function (iCDF).

For each element of p, compute the quantile (the inverse of the CDF) of the Rayleigh distribution with scale parameter sigma. The size of x is the common size of p and sigma. A scalar input functions as a constant matrix of the same size as the other inputs.

Further information about the Rayleigh distribution can be found at

See also: raylcdf, raylpdf, raylrnd, raylfit, rayllike, raylstat

Source Code: raylinv

Example: 1

 ## Plot various iCDFs from the Rayleigh distribution
 p = 0.001:0.001:0.999;
 x1 = raylinv (p, 0.5);
 x2 = raylinv (p, 1);
 x3 = raylinv (p, 2);
 x4 = raylinv (p, 3);
 x5 = raylinv (p, 4);
 plot (p, x1, "-b", p, x2, "g", p, x3, "-r", p, x4, "-m", p, x5, "-k")
 grid on
 ylim ([0, 10])
 legend ({"σ = 0,5", "σ = 1", "σ = 2", ...
          "σ = 3", "σ = 4"}, "location", "northwest")
 title ("Rayleigh iCDF")
 xlabel ("probability")
 ylabel ("values in x")

plotted figure