Function Reference: hygestat

statistics: [mn, v] = hygestat (m, k, n)

Compute statistics of the hypergeometric distribution.

[mn, v] = hygestat (m, k, n) returns the mean and variance of the hypergeometric distribution parameters m, k, and n.

  • m is the total size of the population of the hypergeometric distribution. The elements of m must be positive natural numbers.
  • k is the number of marked items of the hypergeometric distribution. The elements of k must be natural numbers.
  • n is the size of the drawn sample of the hypergeometric distribution. The elements of n must be positive natural numbers.

The size of mn (mean) and v (variance) is the common size of the input arguments. A scalar input functions as a constant matrix of the same size as the other inputs.

Further information about the hypergeometric distribution can be found at

See also: hygecdf, hygeinv, hygepdf, hygernd

Source Code: hygestat