Negative log-likelihood for the exponential distribution.
nlogL = explike (mu, x)
returns the negative
log likelihood of the data in x corresponding to the exponential
distribution with mean parameter mu. x must be a vector of
non-negative values, otherwise NaN
is returned.
[nlogL, avar] = explike (mu, x)
returns the inverse of Fisher’s information matrix, avar. If the input
mean parameter, mu, is the maximum likelihood estimate, avar is
its asymptotic variance.
[…] = explike (mu, x, censor)
accepts a
boolean vector, censor, of the same size as x with 1
s for
observations that are right-censored and 0
s for observations that are
observed exactly. By default, or if left empty,
censor = zeros (size (x))
[…] = explike (mu, x, censor, freq)
accepts a frequency vector, freq, of the same size as x.
freq typically contains integer frequencies for the corresponding
elements in x, but it can contain any non-integer non-negative values.
By default, or if left empty, freq = ones (size (x))
A common alternative parameterization of the exponential distribution is to use the parameter defined as the mean number of events in an interval as opposed to the parameter , which is the mean wait time for an event to occur. and are reciprocals, i.e. .
Further information about the exponential distribution can be found at https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Exponential_distribution
See also: expcdf, expinv, exppdf, exprnd, expfit, expstat
Source Code: explike