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Class Definition: ClassificationSVM

statistics: obj = ClassificationSVM (X, Y)
statistics: obj = ClassificationSVM (…, name, value)

Create a ClassificationSVM class object containing a Support Vector Machine classification model for one-class or two-class problems.

obj = ClassificationSVM (X, Y) returns a ClassificationSVM object, with X as the predictor data and Y containing the class labels of observations in X.

  • X must be a N×P numeric matrix of input data where rows correspond to observations and columns correspond to features or variables. X will be used to train the SVM model.
  • Y is N×1 matrix or cell matrix containing the class labels of corresponding predictor data in X. Y can be either numeric, logical, or cell array of character vectors. It must have same numbers of rows as X.

obj = ClassificationSVM (…, name, value) returns a ClassificationSVM object with parameters specified by Name-Value pair arguments. Type help fitcsvm for more info.

A ClassificationSVM object, obj, stores the labelled training data and various parameters for the Support Vector machine classification model, which can be accessed in the following fields:

XUnstandardized predictor data, specified as a numeric matrix. Each column of X represents one predictor (variable), and each row represents one observation.
YClass labels, specified as a logical or numeric vector, or cell array of character vectors. Each value in Y is the observed class label for the corresponding row in X.
NumObservationsNumber of observations used in training the ClassificationSVM model, specified as a positive integer scalar. This number can be less than the number of rows in the training data because rows containing NaN values are not part of the fit.
RowsUsedRows of the original training data used in fitting the ClassificationSVM model, specified as a numerical vector. If you want to use this vector for indexing the training data in X, you have to convert it to a logical vector, i.e X = obj.X(logical (obj.RowsUsed), :);
StandardizeA boolean flag indicating whether the data in X have been standardized prior to training.
SigmaPredictor standard deviations, specified as a numeric vector of the same length as the columns in X. If the predictor variables have not been standardized, then "obj.Sigma" is empty.
MuPredictor means, specified as a numeric vector of the same length as the columns in X. If the predictor variables have not been standardized, then "obj.Mu" is empty.
NumPredictorsThe number of predictors (variables) in X.
PredictorNamesPredictor variable names, specified as a cell array of character vectors. The variable names are in the same order in which they appear in the training data X.
ResponseNameResponse variable name, specified as a character vector.
ClassNamesNames of the classes in the class labels, Y, used for fitting the SVM model. ClassNames are of the same type as the class labels in Y.
PriorPrior probabilities for each class, specified as a numeric vector. The order of the elements in Prior corresponds to the order of the classes in ClassNames.
CostCost of the misclassification of a point, specified as a square matrix. Cost(i,j) is the cost of classifying a point into class j if its true class is i (that is, the rows correspond to the true class and the columns correspond to the predicted class). The order of the rows and columns in Cost corresponds to the order of the classes in ClassNames. The number of rows and columns in Cost is the number of unique classes in the response. By default, Cost(i,j) = 1 if i != j, and Cost(i,j) = 0 if i = j. In other words, the cost is 0 for correct classification and 1 for incorrect classification.
ScoreTransformA function_handle which is used for transforming the SVM prediction score into a posterior probability. By default, it is 'none', in which case the predict and resubPredict methods return the prediction scores. Use the fitPosterior method to compute the appropriate ScoreTransform, in which case the predict and resubPredict methods return the posterior probabilities.
ModelParametersA structure containing the parameters used to train the SVM model with the following fields: SVMtype, BoxConstraint, CacheSize, KernelScale, KernelOffset, KernelFunction, PolynomialOrder, Nu, Tolerance, and Shrinking. Type help fitcsvm for more info on their usage and default values.
ModelA structure containing the trained model in 'libsvm' format.
AlphaThe coefficients of the trained SVM classifier specified as an s×1 numeric vector, where s is the number of support vectors equal to sum (obj.IsSupportVector). If the SVM classifier was trained with a 'linear' kernel function, then obj.Alpha is left empty.
BetaThe linear predictor coefficients specified as an s×1 numeric vector, where s is the number of support vectors equal to sum (obj.IsSupportVector). If the SVM classifier was trained with a kernel function other than 'linear', then obj.Beta is left empty.
BiasThe bias term specified as a scalar.
IsSupportVectorSupport vector indicator, specified as an N×1 logical vector that flags whether a corresponding observation in the predictor data matrix is a Support Vector. N is the number of observations in the training data (see NumObservations).
SupportVectorLabelsThe support vector class labels specified as an s×1 numeric vector, where s is the number of support vectors equal to sum (obj.IsSupportVector). A value of +1 in SupportVectorLabels indicates that the corresponding support vector belongs to the positive class (ClassNames{2}). A value of -1 indicates that the corresponding support vector belongs to the negative class (ClassNames{1}).
SupportVectorsThe support vectors of the trained SVM classifier specified an s×p numeric matrix, where s is the number of support vectors equal to sum (obj.IsSupportVector), and p is the number of predictor variables in the predictor data.

See also: fitcsvm, svmtrain, svmpredict

Source Code: ClassificationSVM

Method: compact

ClassificationSVM: CVMdl = compact (obj)

Create a CompactClassificationSVM object.

CVMdl = compact (obj) creates a compact version of the ClassificationSVM object, obj.

See also: fitcnet, ClassificationSVM, CompactClassificationSVM

Method: crossval

ClassificationSVM: CVMdl = crossval (obj)
ClassificationSVM: CVMdl = crossval (…, Name, Value)

Cross Validate a Support Vector Machine classification object.

CVMdl = crossval (obj) returns a cross-validated model object, CVMdl, from a trained model, obj, using 10-fold cross-validation by default.

CVMdl = crossval (obj, name, value) specifies additional name-value pair arguments to customize the cross-validation process.

"KFold"Specify the number of folds to use in k-fold cross-validation. "KFold", k, where k is an integer greater than 1.
"Holdout"Specify the fraction of the data to hold out for testing. "Holdout", p, where p is a scalar in the range (0,1).
"Leaveout"Specify whether to perform leave-one-out cross-validation. "Leaveout", Value, where Value is ’on’ or ’off’.
"CVPartition"Specify a cvpartition object used for cross-validation. "CVPartition", cv, where isa (cv, "cvpartition") = 1.

See also: fitcsvm, ClassificationSVM, cvpartition, ClassificationPartitionedModel

Method: fitPosterior

ClassificationSVM: Mdl = fitPosterior (obj)
ClassificationSVM: CVMdl = fitPosterior (obj, name, value)

Fit posterior probabilities to a Support Vector Machine model.

Mdl = fitPosterior (obj) returns the ClassificationSVM object, Mdl, from an already trained SVM model, obj, after fitting a posterior probabilities ScoreTransform.

CVMdl = fitPosterior (obj, name, value) returns the ClassificationPartitionedModel, CVMdl, from an already trained SVM model, obj, after fitting a posterior probabilities ScoreTransform. Use the additional name-value pair arguments to customize the cross-validation process.

"KFold"Specify the number of folds to use in k-fold cross-validation. 'kfold', k where k is an integer greater than 1.
"Holdout"Specify the fraction of the data to hold out for testing. 'holdout', p where p is a scalar in the range (0,1).
"CVPartition"Specify the fraction of the data to hold out for testing. 'holdout', p where p is a scalar in the range (0,1).
"Leaveout"Specify whether to perform leave-one-out cross-validation. 'leaveout', Value where Value is ’on’ or ’off’.

See also: cvpartition, fitcsvm, ClassificationSVM

Method: loss

ClassificationSVM: L = loss (obj, X, Y)
ClassificationSVM: L = loss (…, name, value)

Determine the classification error for a Support Vector Machine classifier.

L = loss (obj, X, Y) returns the predictive accuracy of support vector machine (SVM) classification models. Comparing the same type of loss across multiple models allows you to identify which model is more accurate, with a lower loss indicating superior predictive performance. It supports only binary classifier models.

  • obj must be a binary class ClassificationSVM object.
  • X must be an M×P numeric matrix with the same number of features P as the corresponding predictors of the SVM model in obj.
  • Y must be M×1 numeric vector containing the class labels corresponding to the predictor data in X. Y must have same number of rows as X.

L = loss (…, Name, Value) returns the aforementioned results with additional properties specified by Name-Value pair arguments listed below.

"LossFun"Loss function, specified as a built-in loss function name. It accepts the following options: (Default is ’classiferror’)
  • ’binodeviance’: Binomial deviance: The binomial deviance loss function is used to evaluate the performance of a binary classifier. It is calculated as: L = \sum_j=1^n w_j \log \1 + \e×p [-2m_j]\
  • ’classiferror’: Misclassification rate in decimal The classification error measures the fraction of misclassified instances out of the total instances. It is calculated as: L = \frac1n \sum_j=1^n \mathbbI(m_j \leq 0)
  • ’exponential’: Exponential loss: The exponential loss function is used to penalize misclassified instances exponentially. It is calculated as: L = \sum_j=1^n w_j \e×p [-m_j]
  • ’hinge’: Hinge loss: The hinge loss function is often used for maximum-margin classification, particularly for support vector machines. It is calculated as: L = \sum_j=1^n w_j \ma× (0, 1 - m_j)
  • ’logit’: Logistic loss: The logistic loss function, also known as log loss, measures the performance of a classification model where the prediction is a probability value. It is calculated as: L = \sum_j=1^n w_j \log \1 + \e×p [-m_j]\
  • ’quadratic’: Quadratic loss: The quadratic loss function penalizes the square of the margin. It is calculated as: L = \sum_j=1^n w_j (1 - m_j)^2
"Weights"Specified as a numeric vector which weighs each observation (row) in X. The size of Weights must be equal to the number of rows in X. The default value is: ones(size(X,1),1)

See also: fitcsvm, ClassificationSVM

Method: margin

ClassificationSVM: m = margin (obj, X, Y)

Determine the classification margins for a Support Vector Machine classification object.

m = margin (obj, X, Y) returns the classification margins for the trained support vector machine (SVM) classifier obj using the sample data in X and the class labels in Y. It supports only binary classifier models. The classification margin is commonly defined as m = yf(x), where f(x) is the classification score and y is the true class label corresponding to x. A greater margin indicates a better model.

  • obj must be a binary class ClassificationSVM object.
  • X must be an M×P numeric matrix with the same number of features P as the corresponding predictors of the SVM model in obj.
  • Y must be M×1 numeric vector containing the class labels corresponding to the predictor data in X. Y must have same number of rows as X.

See also: fitcsvm, ClassificationSVM

Method: predict

ClassificationSVM: labels = predict (obj, XC)
ClassificationSVM: [labels, scores] = predict (obj, XC)

Classify new data points into categories using the Support Vector Machine classification object.

labels = predict (obj, XC) returns the vector of labels predicted for the corresponding instances in XC, using the trained Support Vector Machine classification model, obj. For one-class SVM model, +1 or -1 is returned.

  • obj must be a ClassificationSVM class object.
  • XC must be an M×P numeric matrix with the same number of predictors P as the corresponding predictors of the SVM model in obj.

[labels, scores] = predict (obj, XC also returns scores, which contains the desicion values for each each prediction. Alternatively, scores can contain the posterior probabilities if the ScoreTransform has been previously set using the fitPosterior method.

See also: fitcsvm, ClassificationSVM.fitPosterior

Method: resubLoss

ClassificationSVM: L = resubLoss (obj)
ClassificationSVM: L = resubLoss (…, name, value)

Compute the resubstitution classification loss for the trained Support Vector Machine classification object.

L = resubLoss (obj) returns the classification loss by resubstitution (L), or the in-sample classification loss, for the trained classification model obj using the training data stored in obj.X and the corresponding class labels stored in obj.Y.

  • obj must be a binary class ClassificationSVM object.

l = resubLoss (…, Name, Value) returns the aforementioned results with additional properties specified by Name-Value pair arguments listed below.

"LossFun"Loss function, specified as a built-in loss function name. It accepts the following options: (Default is ’classiferror’)
  • ’binodeviance’: Binomial deviance: The binomial deviance loss function is used to evaluate the performance of a binary classifier. It is calculated as: L = \sum_j=1^n w_j \log \1 + \e×p [-2m_j]\
  • ’classiferror’: Misclassification rate in decimal The classification error measures the fraction of misclassified instances out of the total instances. It is calculated as: L = \frac1n \sum_j=1^n \mathbbI(m_j \leq 0)
  • ’exponential’: Exponential loss: The exponential loss function is used to penalize misclassified instances exponentially. It is calculated as: L = \sum_j=1^n w_j \e×p [-m_j]
  • ’hinge’: Hinge loss: The hinge loss function is often used for maximum-margin classification, particularly for support vector machines. It is calculated as: L = \sum_j=1^n w_j \ma× (0, 1 - m_j)
  • ’logit’: Logistic loss: The logistic loss function, also known as log loss, measures the performance of a classification model where the prediction is a probability value. It is calculated as: L = \sum_j=1^n w_j \log \1 + \e×p [-m_j]\
  • ’quadratic’: Quadratic loss: The quadratic loss function penalizes the square of the margin. It is calculated as: L = \sum_j=1^n w_j (1 - m_j)^2
"Weights"Specified as a numeric vector which weighs each observation (row) in X. The size of Weights must be equal to the number of rows in X. The default value is: ones(size(X,1),1)

See also: fitcsvm, ClassificationSVM

Method: resubPredict

ClassificationSVM: labels = resubPredict (obj)
ClassificationSVM: [labels, score] = resubPredict (obj)

Classify the training data using the trained Support Vector Machine classification object.

labels = resubPredict (obj) returns the vector of labels predicted for the corresponding instances in the training data, using the predictor data in obj.X and corresponding labels, obj.Y, stored in the Support Vector Machine classification model, obj. For one-class model, +1 or -1 is returned.

  • obj must be a ClassificationSVM class object.

[labels, scores] = resubPredict (obj also returns scores, which contains the desicion values for each each prediction. Alternatively, scores can contain the posterior probabilities if the ScoreTransform has been previously set using the fitPosterior method.

See also: fitcsvm, ClassificationSVM.fitPosterior

Method: savemodel

ClassificationSVM: savemodel (obj, filename)

Save a ClassificationSVM object.

savemodel (obj, filename) saves a ClassificationSVM object into a file defined by filename.

See also: loadmodel, fitcsvm, ClassificationSVM

Example: 1


 ## Create a Support Vector Machine classifier and determine margin for test
 ## data.
 load fisheriris
 rng(1);  ## For reproducibility

 ## Select indices of the non-setosa species
 inds = !strcmp(species, 'setosa');

  ## Select features and labels for non-setosa species
 X = meas(inds, 3:4);
 Y = grp2idx(species(inds));

 ##  Convert labels to +1 and -1
 unique_classes = unique(Y);
 Y(Y == unique_classes(1)) = -1;
 Y(Y == unique_classes(2)) = 1;

 ## Partition data for training and testing
 cv = cvpartition(Y, 'HoldOut', 0.15);
 X_train = X(training(cv), :);
 Y_train = Y(training(cv));
 X_test = X(test(cv), :);
 Y_test = Y(test(cv));

 ## Train the SVM model
 CVSVMModel = fitcsvm(X_train, Y_train);

 ## Calculate margins
 m = margin(CVSVMModel, X_test, Y_test);


Example: 2


 ## Create a Support Vector Machine classifier and determine loss for test
 ## data.
 load fisheriris
 rng(1);  ## For reproducibility

  ## Select indices of the non-setosa species
 inds = !strcmp(species, 'setosa');

  ## Select features and labels for non-setosa species
 X = meas(inds, 3:4);
 Y = grp2idx(species(inds));

 ##  Convert labels to +1 and -1
 unique_classes = unique(Y);
 Y(Y == unique_classes(1)) = -1;
 Y(Y == unique_classes(2)) = 1;

 ## Randomly partition the data into training and testing sets
 cv = cvpartition(Y, 'HoldOut', 0.3); # 30% data for testing, 60% for training

 X_train = X(training(cv), :);
 Y_train = Y(training(cv));

 X_test = X(test(cv), :);
 Y_test = Y(test(cv));

 ## Train the SVM model
 SVMModel = fitcsvm(X_train, Y_train);

 ## Calculate loss

 L = loss(SVMModel,X_test,Y_test,'LossFun','binodeviance')
 L = loss(SVMModel,X_test,Y_test,'LossFun','classiferror')
 L = loss(SVMModel,X_test,Y_test,'LossFun','exponential')
 L = loss(SVMModel,X_test,Y_test,'LossFun','hinge')
 L = loss(SVMModel,X_test,Y_test,'LossFun','logit')
 L = loss(SVMModel,X_test,Y_test,'LossFun','quadratic')

L = 0.1500
L = 0.066667
L = 0.2811
L = 0.1667
L = 0.2089
L = 3.6107